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[Feet don't fail me now. Take me to the finish line. Oh my heart it breaks, every step that I take]


His foot and pencil were tapping repeatedly at a synchronized pace as his brain was racking for the answer.


Liam hated trigonometry with a passion. Something about even bringing up the subject made his blood quiver and body tremble. All the formulas that needed memorization and hard thinking just made him want to explode. Giving up, Liam moves on to the next problem.

"Alright class, times up! Hand in your exams if you haven't already!" commands their math teacher, Mr. Stevens.

"Fuck," whispers Liam to himself. He didn't have time to finish because he spent too much time on that one problem.

He sighs before standing up and landing his paper on top of the pile of previous classmates. Taking his seat, Liam eyes Louis who fakes taking a bullet to the head in a joking matter. Liam chuckles at his best mate and tries to quickly to maintain concentration. Learning was something he valued as he thought education came first no matter what.

"Okay class, you may leave as soon as the bell rings, and have a wonderful weekend!"

The rest of class scoffs, knowing that Mr. Stevens could give two shits about everyone having a good weekend. The bell rings; many dart out the door. Liam waits behind for Louis to catch up, and the two start their way out the door entering the hall.

"How did you do?" asks Liam while looking down at the different patterns on the glossy textile floor.

"Great actually!" cheers Louis.

Liam adjusts the strap of his backpack, giving Louis a stunned look. "How?! I hate trig so fucking much! That test definitely shot my grade down."

"Oh come on Li. Do you really think I'd try on a maths exam? After looking at the first problem, I just gave up and wrote down 'fuck this'. I'm sure my mum should expect a call from Stevens."

Liam pauses and looks at Louis. The two instantly burst into laughter. "Good one mate. I'll try that next time." Liam pats the back of Louis, his chuckles dying down.

They continue their stroll down the hall until they spot Niall and Harry next to their lockers; their usual meeting spot. Harry shoves his hands inside his pockets and eyes Louis hungrily. "Took you guys long enough."

"Yeah!" chimes in Niall.

"Oh shut up. I had to sit in class remaining quiet the entire time. You know how hard that is?" Louis slaps Harry's shoulder and turns back to his locker, twisting the lock until it opens. Liam mimics Louis' actions, opening his locker as well.

Niall shoots Louis a dumbfounded look. "Why would that be hard? Weren't you focusing on the maths test you guys were taking?"

Louis pities Niall's remark. "No, are you kidding? Fuck trig, it can go drown in hell."

Liam slams his lockers shut, zipping up his backpack. "I second that!"

"See, LiLi gets it."

Niall and Harry roll their eyes. Liam bites his lip, his teeth sinking into the deep collagen wrapped skin. "So I was thinking we could all go over to my place and play some video games, yeah?"

"Okay, but I get to be Yoshi!" shouts Louis while jumping up and down.

Louis and Liam always enjoyed playing a fine game of Mario Kart when they were kids. Hell, they still do. They'll admit it; no shame in that.

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