Chapter 59: Roadtrip

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Eve and I head home, then start to pack our bags. Even though Austin gets to Georgia today, he performs tomorrow. We just need to figure out how we are going to surprise him.

"I'm so excited!!" I say while putting the bags into the car.

"So am I. It may have been a day but I miss Alex so much." Eve says.

"I know the feeling, I miss Austin." I say. We both go get the last bags, lock the door, then get in the car.

"Road trip!!" I scream. I pull out my phone and call Michele.

"Hello." She says.

"Michele! Hi." I say excitedly.

"What's up?" Michele asks.

"Are you near Austin?" I ask.

"No, he's in his room on the bus. Why?" She asks.

"Well Mike told me I could have a break cuz I finished my album, so I decided to leave here and visit you guys." I say.

"That's amazing! What time are you gonna get here?" She asks.

"Were just leaving now." I say. She gives us the hotel there staying at, and she said to call her when we get there.

-10 Hours Later- (it's 8 am next day)

This was the longest drive ever. But were here. And we made it to the hotel. I call Michele.

"Hey, were here." I say.

"Okay. I'll meet you downstairs, I had Dave take the boys out to breakfast." She says.

"Okay. See you soon!!!" I say. Then hang up the phone. I park the car, then Eve and I start unpacking the car. Then I see Michele. I run over and hug her.

"Hi!" I say.

"Hi (Y/N). Can I help you with the bags?" She asks.

"Yes please." I say. We get all the bags up in the room.

"So how are you going to surprise Austin?" Michele asks me while we sit down on the couch.

"I was hoping you could help us." I say.

"Okay, so the boys should be home in a half hour or so, so maybe you could go hide in each of there rooms, then surprise them when they go to there rooms." She says.

"Okay! That's a great idea! Where will you hide the bags?" I ask.

"I'll just hide them in the closet until they know your here." She says.

"Okay." I say. Michele's phone buzzes and she looks down.

"Dave just texted me. They're here. Austin's rooms right there, and Alex's is right there." Michele says pointing to each room. Eve runs to Alex's room, I run to Austin's. Time for the surprise!!

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