Chapter 87: Airport

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Now it's time to say goodbye to Austin. I turn around and see him standing there with a sad face.

"This is it." I say.

"Yah..." He says grabbing my hand. As he wraps his arms around my waist, I wrap mine around his neck, getting on my tippy toes to bury my face into his neck. I let the first tear fall. Which leads to me crying, a lot.

He sits down on the bed, so I don't have to stand on my tippy toes. We still sit in the same position. Austin pulls back, and looks at me in the eyes.

"It's going to be okay. We can FaceTime, and Skype, and we will be texting so much we will use all of our unlimited data." He says while laughing. I laugh, and he wipes the tears that are rolling down my cheek with his thumb. I lean down and kiss him. This is going to be the last kiss for a while. Shorter than I hope. I hear a knock on the door. And it opens. It's Alex.

"Man we have to go. We need to leave to get to New York, like now." He says. Austin stands up, now being taller than me, he leans down and kisses me. He grabs my hand and we walk to the front of the bus, I stay at the top step, as he walks down the rest. Still holding my hand. He turns around and kisses me one more time.

"I love you (Y/N)." He says.

"I love you too." I say. "Text me." I say, he nods, then I kiss him one more time, as he steps off the bus. I turn around and see Eve sitting there on her phone, tears streaming down her face.

"You know you didn't need to come... You could've finished off the tour with Alex." I say to her, sitting down. The bus starts. And starts driving.

"No... I didn't wanna miss my best friends first tour." She says. I smile.

"So do you wanna sleep in the small bunks? Of share beds with me?" I ask her.

"Hmmmmm... Tiny enclosed space, or big bed. Decisions, decisions." She says rubbing her chin. I laugh.

"C'mon." I say.

"I'm probably gonna end up sleeping with you anyway. So with you." She says while laughing. I laugh. This is a good, and sad start to the tour.

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