Chapter 106: Fans, Fans, and More Fans

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We finish packing, and we drive to the airport. When we get to the airport there are a bunch of fans. I smile, and Austin and I take pictures with them, and we sign some autographs. After we finish we but the two extra tickets to Colorado. Then we board the plane.

"I am so excited for this." I tell Austin. Eve took Austin's seat because I wanted to sit with Austin.

"I'm excited to just be with you." He says. I smile and kiss him. I put my head on his shoulder and try to fall asleep. It will make the time go by faster.


I wake up and see that the plane is landing. I look up and see Austin passed out. I laugh. He was so exhausted. I think he didn't sleep for the past few days because he was worrying about me. I feel so bad. Why was I so stupid to try and commit. I feel like I let my fans down, and I let Austin down.

"Babe. Wake up." I say. He doesn't budge. I have an idea. He hates. I mean, hates peanuts, there happens to be an extra pack from the plane ride. I open the pack and dump them in his mouth, and I move his chin up and down so he chews them, and then he swallows them. He starts to wake up, and he starts to cough, and he grabs the water on the little table thingy, and chugs it. I laugh.

"God I hate you so much." He says.

"You know you love me." I say. I kiss his cheek.

"I know." He says. He kisses me. The plane lands, and we start to get off.

When we get off the plane there are fans of course, and Austin wants to get photos with them, so we do. But while were doing that. I look for Eve. I see her and wave. She walks over and starts to take pictures with some of the fans.

Once were done with all of the fans, we go outside to find the bus. I see it, and we head over there. Hopefully I don't get bombarded with questions.

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