Chapter 69: Love

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They take away Jason, leaving Austin and I in my room.

"I really missed you (Y/N)." He says.

"It's only been a couple hours." I say to him laughing.

"It's been long hours." He says. I laugh and kiss him. It gets heated real quick. Which ends up turning out were in the bed for a couple hours.


I'm changing back into my clothes, while Austin is doing the same thing. My mom texted me, telling me they'd be home in like 10 minutes. I texted her and explained that me and Austin made up, and that we'd be leaving tomorrow to go to Austin's next show in Maryland. Where he's performing is 15 minutes from my old neighborhood so I'm gonna go visit all my old friends. I'm so excited.

"Ready to go see my parents?" I ask Austin.

"Yep." He says. He walks over and spins me around, his hands are on the lowest part of my back. I have my arms wrapped around his neck. I stand up on my tippy toes and kiss him.

"Let's go." I whisper. I grab his hand and we walk downstairs. My mom, Rick and Bryan are all walking into the house.

"Hi guys." I say. Bryan sees me and runs to hug me.

"Hi (Y/N)!" He says excitedly.

"Hi Bryan. I've missed you." I say hugging him. He has gotten super tall, he is almost as tall as me. I'm not that surprised since he's now 15. He looks a lot like my dad. I don't think I've ever mentioned my dad. His name was Henry. My mom and him got into a big argument and he beat her severely. He also used to beat me and my brother. He was an alcoholic. He's now in jail for 30+ years. Which were all happy about.

I hug Rick, then we all walk into the kitchen.

"So how's the tour going Austin?" My mom asks.

"Really good. Actually (Y/N) has opened one of my concerts." He says while wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Really?" My mom asks looking at me. I nod my head.

"That's amazing!" Rick says.

We sit there and talk for hours.

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