Chapter 102: Pushed Over The Edge

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-next day-

We are finally in California. No more driving. Hallelujah.

I hop off the tour bus and there are a bunch of screaming fans. I smile and walk over to them. I take a few pictures, and sign some autographs. Then walk into the hotel I'm staying at. I walk up go my room and pull out my phone. I see my Instagram is blowing up, and so is my twitter, and it's people telling me to look at a photo... What?

I open up my phone and see that it's a picture of Austin kissing a blonde girl... And it's not edited or anything.

I screenshot the photo and text Austin.

Y: What in the hell is this?!

A: (Y/N)... I can explain...

Y: No Austin! Don't explain. You kissed another girl. Your a douche! Do not talk to me ever again!

I throw my phone on the bed and run into the bathroom. Eve comes and knocks on the door.

"(Y/N) what's going on? What's wrong?" Eve asks through the locked door. I ignore her. I can believe Austin would do that. Ugh I hate myself. It's probably me that messed up this whole relationship... Maybe he will be happy if I'm gone. He can be happy with that happy little skank he is dating now, and all this hate I'm getting, I can't take it anymore, maybe everyone who wanted me to die will be happy. I stand up and grab the Advil off the counter.

"Eve." I say. I open the container and poor the rest of the pills that are in there into my hand.

"(Y/N) what? Please open the door." She says pleadingly.

"I love you okay... Tell Austin I love him." I say. I throw all the pills in my mouth and swallow them.

"(Y/N) you better not be doing! Open this damn door! Please don't do this!" Eve says banging at the door. I close my eyes and sleep. "Someone call 911!" I hear eve faintly say as I slowly fade off.

-Eve POV-

I burst open the door and see (Y/N) passed out on the bathroom floor. Her bodyguard Phil picks her up and carries her to the bed. The ambulance is on there way.

"(Y/N) your going to be okay.. It's all going to be fine. Your going to live." I say crying. I grab (Y/N)'s phone and open it. She has thousands of texts from Austin. I scroll up and see that he kissed another girl, and she broke up with him. I also see all the hate on her feed.. Why are people like this.. I guess I should call Austin.

(Phone convo)

A: OMG. Babe I'm so sorry let me explain.

E: Austin it's not (Y/N).. It's Eve.

A: Oh. Eve what's going on?

E: Okay... So (Y/N) took this breakup really hard.. And all the hate...

A: Finish this sentence...

E: (Y/N) tried to overdose on Advil... She's okay now.. But I thought I should let you know.

A: What?! I'm coming there now!

The phone line goes dead. The ambulance is here and were taking (Y/N) to the hospital. God I hope she's going to be okay.

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