Chapter 20

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A/N: I have updated!!! It's been a while, i know, but hey, I still updated. ^-^ This chapter is dedicated to Allythepotato for their lovely idea!

Cussing is involved for comedic purposes only, you have been warned... Even though there's like, 3 words used.  ┐('∀`)┌


*Cara's P.O.V*

A small smile played on my face as I recalled the events of yesterday. I wasn't really prepared to deal with the Shadow kings wrath quite so soon. Call me a coward or whatever you wish when I tell you that I kinda just, abandoned the twins to deal with Kyoya. I'm sure none of the three that were there are all that happy right now. Oops?

I was walking through the halls of the school, still trying to memorise patterns of it's layout. I was getting better, slowly, but surely. I was bored though, I've had nothing to do lately, and it's been a while since I've pranked someone. I've not been sure who to prank though. Oh well, I'll probably decide soon enough.

Walking past 1-C then past 1-B before turning a corner, I arrived at my classroom, spotting two familiar figures leaning against the class entrance. The twins. Never would've guessed that, amiright? ... Yeah, thought so.

I walked up to them slowly, as if nothing was wrong, like I hadn't ditched them the day previous. Bad move. I had walked up to them and greeted them casually, accompanied by a lazy wave and said, "What's up?"

It was Kaoru who had turned to me with a seemingly innocent smile, but I knew better. I saw the devious look in his eyes and the look of someone wanting revenge. 

"Well, had there been any other circumstances, I probably would have said the ceiling. But I'm sure you know what's really  up, don't you?"

I gulped nervously and after taking a breath of air I remarked,  "I have no idea what you're on about."

It didn't seem very convincing and the twins obviously hadn't bought it. They looked at me in thought, before looking at each other with huge grins. Uh oh, what did they want? They looked at me before sticking their hands out towards me, as if demanding for something. I looked at them with a blank expression. 

"Your phone!" Hikaru had exclaimed, exasperated.

Unsure why they wanted my phone, I hesitantly handed them it, slightly puzzled. 'Why would they want my phone, I only have one other contact in it?'  I thought to myself, still confused.

They'd messaged someone. Who? I don't know. Why? ... I... also don't know the answer to that question. The twins soon handed me my phone back and looked at my expression in amusement.

Hikaru then flatly stated," You know, for someone who only has one contact in their phone, is it really all that hard to figure out who we were contacting?"

It then hit me like a ton of bricks. "The rich dude?" I questioned them. They nodded and when I asked why, they had only spoken a single word. 'Arrangements.' But before I could question them any more, the bell rang.

Hikaru and Kaoru looked at me and smiled. "Wouldn't want to be late now, would we?" as they walked into class, with me trailing through the doors behind them. However I became impatient quickly, I wanted answers. Pestering them throughout class probably wasn't the best idea. The teacher told me off frequently and the twins grew irritated. And fast. After questioning them for the 10th time (yes, I had actually been counting), they had turned around and snapped.

"Shut up!" they hissed at me, seeming very annoyed. I was a little taken aback. They'd never physically said or done anything cruel to me in the time I had been here and I could tell it shocked our classmates as well. Haruhi wasn't in class at the moment, the teacher had sent her to collect some worksheets from an office somewhere in the school. 

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