Chapter 26

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I look over to Flora on my left and Raven on my right after Byrd exits the kitchen, grabbing herself breakfast.

"What are your plans today Raven?" I stare at my sister who I still can't believe is back. It's still like a dream to me.

"I was just going to spend most of my time in my chambers." She takes a bite of her food. "Why?"

"Your chambers? Locked in a room is the last place I thought you'd want to be." I scoff. Eleven years locked in a room and she wants to be locked in one here? I guess old habits die hard.

"Maybe I'll head into the village then, brother." She smiles.

"The kingdom is still whispering about your arrival from when we announced it the other day, our people will be delighted to see you." I can't help but smile back, her smile is contagious.

"Let them see their princess is really back!" She uses hand gestures and chuckles.

I nod. "Most of them were asleep when Finn and I returned with you."

"Now they get to see me in the flesh. It's good to be home." She continues to eat.

I turn to Flora who is back dressed in her chambermaids uniform. "Back at my service so soon?" I question her.

"Yes, King, back at your service." She says with emphasis.

"I don't want to know what you mean by that Flora, I am upset with her as well." I know exactly who she's referring to, Byrd.

Flora scoffs. "Aren't we all?"

"I'm not." Raven pipes in.

"There's probably something that she does that gets under your skin." Flora says bitterly.

"I've changed my mind; what happened with Byrd, Flora?" I await her response.

"I saw her with Bren last night."

"Great. Is there more?" I ask not really wanting to know the reply.

"Other than the fact that she admitted Bren is the father of the child--no."

I drop my silverware. "She what?" A million things went through my mind and it one of them was about the fact that my little sister was right next to me who is supposed to be engaged to Bren.

"I heard her very clearly say to Bren last night he is the father of her child." Flora continues to eat her food.

"Bren and Byrd slept together?" Raven asks lost.

"Yep." Flora says pissed off.

"No. They didn't." I spit determined even though the thought got me even more worked up.

"Then why would she say that to Bren? She was dead serious." Flora looks at me convincingly.

"I don't believe you, Flora. I know both of them. They didn't sleep together and Byrd was just out of her mind tired or something." I try to be just as convincing, but Flora knows my true feelings.

"Oh come on Raidyn don't be so naive. We both know Bren had a crush on Byrd, he thinks she's pretty. And Byrd...well you slept with hundreds of girls and she only had you. Payback don't you think?"

"Flora, as your king I command you to stop talking about this." I give her a pointed look and say through gritted teeth.

Floras eyes widen and she blinks. "I'm so sorry, your majesty." She bows her head.

"I have to rule the kingdom again today so I really don't need these thoughts in my head." It's the truth and I didn't mind that sometimes Flora and I were just friends, but Flora was spunky and she had an easy time with overstepping when her feelings were involved.

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