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She stood at the corner of Arendith and Berks Street, panting, hands on her knees. She threw fleeting glances all around her, taking in the normality of this place.

How odd, she thought to herself. That normal is odd to me now.

She took a final deep breath and began her walk, stuffing freezing hands into her navy coat pockets. She briefly wondered when and where she had accquired the coat. 'Oh yeah. Stole it off that guy.' A image of the man she'd taken the heavy jacket from appeared in her mind. She was smart. She didn't forget people- ever.

She strolled into a bakery, sniffing the air around her. It was perfumated with scents she hadn't taken in for much too long; three years now. She walked up to the front counter, scuffed up boots clicking as she rocked back and forth while inspecting each item for sale.

So normal, buying stuff from a bakery.

A few other people were making purchases, so she took the time to pick three things, (a danish, a loaf of bread, and a lovely looking raspberry bagel) and dig through her pockets to find money. 'Twelve dollars and thirty-six cents.' She thought as she held the green slips and few coins in her right hand. 'Thank God.'

The other people walked out of the bakery, so she stepped foward, meeting the boy who was working's eyes. Dark brown and very warm. Like chocolate. she noted mentally.

"Hello, how may I help you today?" He said, voice enveloping and like hot cocoa on a cold night. She didn't exactly know how to respond to this, as it had been so long since she'd performed such a mundane thing as purchasing bread.

"Um... I'd like to, uh... Buy! Buy this- uh! These things. Yeah, these things right here, uhum..." She stuttered out, franticly pointing to the three foods she'd chosen earlier.

"A little anxious there, hmm?" He asked with a chuckle as he retrieved the goods and placed them in a petite box.

"Haha... You could say that." She muttered, handing him the money. He counted it out, and she noticed the way he bit his lip and his brow furrowed. Cute, she thought, but quickly shook her head and dismissed the idea.

"Karo." He said as she turned with her little box in her arms. She looked back at him. "It's my name." He said with a lighthearted grin.

"Hm," she replied, smiling just the faintest. She didn't respond fully though, just strolled out of the bakery, knowing she'd return.

Because she'd survived the worst, and could now live for the best.

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