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A/N- A few of these are going to have two words in the title, like this one. These are comprised of a regular word (Forgotten) along with a feeling (Delight). The goal is to incoporate both. Anyway, love you bye!


I've often said that to forget something is beautiful. It isn't really the fact that you're letting go of a memory - no, not that at all.

It's how our minds choose to push certain things away. We separate what's wanted and what isn't. We force our own thoughts out, wish our own experiences gone.

Some may say it's tragic.

I don't see how.

People often say ignorance is bliss. Is that not what I've only just described? We, as humans, choose to ignore what doesn't please us to live a generally blissful life.

You could say it's just our nature, we just want to be happy because that is our instinct.

But revenge through hurt is also a common instinct, is it not? Who justifies that?

We, as humans, simply want to forget for our own complacent placid delight.

Isn't that beautiful?

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