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They'd been best friends.

They'd made a pact, never one without the other. The dynamic duo. The self-proclaimed "Two Musketeers". The king and king. (Because she hadn't wanted him to have more power than her.)

They'd never fought. They never had problems with their friendship. It was perfect, the kind of friends you only see in over-done happy Hollywood films. The kind everyone says doesn't exist.

But it did in fact exist, because they'd had it.

He was older by a year. Their parents thought that this would disturb their friendship, as they never talked in school, never ate lunch together, never shared classes or other friends.

But it didn't stop them. They walked home together. If it wasn't to his house, then to her house. If it wasn't to her house, then to his. If it wasn't to either, then they went to their broken down treehouse in the middle of the woods.

She, in fact, loved that he was older by a year. She got bragging rights, none of her other friends had such old friends. She got his old notes for History-he could never bring himself to tell her no when she asked for them. She automatically had a partener during Field Day when they had to pair up with students in other grades.

He didn't care. He just wanted them to continue being best friends.

But it all changed, because at some point, everything changes. It was bound to happen. Everyone always said it was bound to happen.

They'd been best friends for twelve years.

And it all crumbled with one sentence.

"I like you, a lot."

She'd run. She "couldn't handle it." She "didn't want to ruin their friendship."

And to some degree, he understood. He didn't want to ruin it either. In his mind, he just saw it as making their friendship better.

But alas, no matter what he did, he'd overstepped his boundaries.

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