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He stared at the ground, envisioning everything his life had once been. He pictured his family, his mother and father who had once been so proud of him. His brother, who had looked up to him. His sister, who encouraged him from the depths of her secure life.

He thought very hard. How did he end up here? In the cold, alone, with no money and no food- he had a well off family. He always had the assurance of knowing he would go to college. Back when he was a teenager- foolish and rebellious. Only secretly though, he always used to keep on the façade of a happy young man around his important relatives and at his father's business parties.

How did he lose all that? How did it drain away, leaving him, a nineteen year old boy, leaning against a wall, shivering and hungry? This wasn't supposed to happen. Not to him.

So how?

Oh yeah. He remembered now. He remembered the crash, the screams. The blood on the leather seats. The pain shooting through his body. The disdain of his relatives now that his parents were gone. The disapproval of his sister now that he was alone.

He remembered being dumped onto the streets, with nowhere to go. He had been eighteen, therefore it was legal for him to be left there. All of his parents money went to his sister. He didn't know why, he had no involvement in the matter.

Because he was here, slumped against a wall, in the snow.

Alone. Totally, completely, and utterl-

"Hey." Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Are you okay? You look kinda sickly." The sound of her speaking, it sounded like music. Music to his ears.

"Yeah." He replied with a gruff and unused voice. "I'm alright." She laughed, and he actually looked up at her. He didn't think he'd ever seen anyone so beautiful. She had soft gray eyes hidden behind a pair of rose-colored glasses. Her dark blonde hair was knotted up behind her head, but a few strands seemed to fall out in the most perfect places.

"Nah." She said, reaching a hand out. "Come with me. I'll help you out." He stared at her, shocked that anyone would put him above themselves- especially in this weather.

"It's cold, you should get back to your house." He said, but took her hand anyway.

"Yeah. But you're gonna come with me." She tilted her head to look up at him, now that he was standing. "You might be dissapointed though, all I got at home is ramen."

He laughed, something he hadn't done for at least a year. He was so surprised, so pleasantly surprised, that anyone, anyone in this world could be so humble.

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