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All he'd ever wanted, ever, was to feel like he belonged. Because his entire life, all he'd ever felt was the opposite of that. He knew people thought they understood how lonely he was, how he felt like such an outsider even when they were all surrounding him. But really, that wasn't the case, because even if they thought they got it, they never really would since they all had somebody. Even if it was just one person; after all, that was better than his bottom of the barrel zero confidants.

There was nobody to listen to him, no-one who even really cared what he did as long as it didn't directly direct them or their plans. The only time he ever got mentioned in other people's conversations was when they called him dumb, irrational, or a total jerkass. Nobody took the time to think about him or consider his feelings. Sometimes he assumed they just thought he didn't even have feelings. It seemed reasonable from his perspective.

They'd never understand just how alone he was.

And it made him so bitter. It changed him, made him turn against anything familiar for fear it'd just abandon him in the end. He got even more alone because of that.

Anyone he'd been even remotely close to began to stray away; he questioned every choice he'd ever made. Anything anybody else did caused him to do something seeminly completely unrelated but in truth connected well in his head.

All just because he felt excluded. So out of the flow, not fitting the social norm. Not the cookie-cutter shape people expect out of members of high society like him. Hah, all the good being from a respectable family did him in the hallways of high school. He condtantly told himself it was dumb anyway, but it's not like such a pointless mantra would change the thoughts that coursed through his head everyday.

Nothing would ever change. He'd never feel like he belonged. So why try, really?

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