Day 87: Live

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All I want to do
Is make art
And travel
Why does it cost so much to live?
You charge me for breathing
Then ask me why I want to die
You tell me I am stuck
Working a never-ending
Dead-end job
That requires a degree
With not near enough pay
For the rest
And then wonder why I want to give up
My only skill is in art
And you tell me art is overrated
And that I'll never make it
While you watch your CGI movies
And read your comic books
And buy thousands of products with logos
You tell me to get a "real job"
That pays half as much as my art would
And to get a degree just to have that job
And you tell me to do this for the rest of my life
Because I won't have enough money to do anything else
Well fuck you
Because I'm not doing what you tell me anymore
I will make art
And I will travel
And I will live my life actually living

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