The Attack

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Sorry for the wait guys here is what happened next on "Assassin brought from dragons"
Cheasy I know XDD😅

Winters p.o.v

I could see the Templars and sprang into action. I dived down and took position on ravens point watching silently.

I could see mince and Alayla taking the trees, hiccup and toothless, the shadows, and jack and crimson the roofs. The chief and the councle stood at the docks and I listen in.

"Ah the barbaric Archepeligo." The templar chaptain says as he steps off the boat and onto the planks.
"I am Omar, captain of the Templars" He bows then stands up. The templars disgust me at how they brain wash people.

"Stoick the vast" He held out a hand for him to take. They shook hands and we followed slowly staying hidden as Stoick introduced his council and second in commond.

"Hmm nice town I was wondering if we could be posible allies, I herd you have dragon raids?" The templar captain persuaded.

"What dose having dragon raids have to do with this" stoick asked. He questions to much I want the juicy stuff. The interesting things we need, but this to is interesting hmmm?

"You see we know a group of people who train dragons and accept our request of an alliance, together we can hunt down those people and force them to take us to the nest."

I could see hiccup taking out a guard silently. 'It must be the signal' I thought to my self. I took oit my cross bow and aimed at a guard that was creeping in ally way.

But then a guard spotted jack.... crap....


Oh well this is what I live for. I jumped from my hiding spot and onto two guards, air assassinating them. I was quickly surounded but Illousion blast some as i killed others. A guard came at me with a spear and one from behind me. I got hold of the spear and stabed the one from behind me and turned it around and stabbed the first guard.

Illusion was swipping guards away with her tail clawing at them and freezing others. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the vikings got into the fight. Soon almost all the Templars where dead, the last one standing was Omar.

He turn to challange hiccup and hiccup silently accepted by drawing his hidden blades and walking camly towards Omar. Who, wich took out his sword, charged quickly. Hiccup started to fight him like nothing dogging and wearing him out. Once hiccup saw him get tired he stabbed him in the neck.

He slowly bring him down and closing his eyes with his hand.  "May you know peace in your second life and the valkaries welcome you in Valhalla." He stands up looking over all the templars and looks over to us. We have a silent conversation and end it with a nod.

He walks over to the chief with toothless not far behind as me and the others join already in the saddles. "Cheif Stoick, we have ridden you of the remaining templars but before we leave do you have questions.

Author's P.o.v

He nodded and was about to ask but before he could Astrid asked. "Im sorry cheif but may I ask something?" He noded once again still on guard warry of the dragons.

"Why are the dragons not attacking and why did you say 'may you know peace in your second life and the valkaries welcome you in Valhalla'" Astrid asked.

"Well to answer your first question, the dreagons are like the families we never had. I had toothless since I was a baby and the girls met there dragons when I met them so did jack. Like me they all lost there family, my father is not my real but adoptive. And your second question is we honour the dead and hope they live a peaceful next life. If we dont want them to return in a new life then we burn them, but no one has ever burn them I only know of  Altaïr, but he had his reasons." He explained

Stoick spoke up. "You said ypu have been with ypur dragon since a child how is that?"

Hiccul was quick too respond. "Well I dont really remember what happen but my father told me what he knows, says he found me with it, he had saved me from falling but in the process half his tail was cut of by a bola. My father said he could hear someone yell my name and named me that and since raised me as his own, now I believe I have shared enough." Hiccup finished

"Wait, my son and wife where taken from me by a night fury and a stormcutter." Stoick stated

That stoped averyone in there tracks.

FINALLY IM FINISHED, so, so ,so sorry I didnt upload I honestly was being lazy and didn't want to write storys just read them. So I hope this chapter made up for being lazy, well anyways Remember

Always Run with The Pack

•●Ribbon the wolf demon🌹🐾

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