Lost and Found

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It was a normal raid night, or so everyone thought... little did they know a Nightfury and Stormcutter broke into a house. But not just any house. The cheifs house, and in a craddle was a baby. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock  the third. The tow dragons walked in and looked and played with the baby. When a women rushed in she had green eyes and wore a dress. She picked up a sword and threten the dragons to back off. But when she looked into the storm cutters eyes. She saw a gentle creature, whos soul reflected her own. But as she lowered her sword her husband Stoick the Vast broke in. "Dont worry im here!" as he was about to attack, the stormcutter grabbed Valka who was also holding hiccup and took off "STOICK!!" yelled Valka.As they took off Stoick swore he would kill every last dragon he sees. Especially the Nightfurys and Stormcutters.
         Cloudjumper's p.o.v.

It was hard carrying the human and her hatchling. She was panicking and screaming as i carried them. I didnt under stand why i was protecting them from that human with the sword. And her hatchling looked small i was worried for it too. The female started making noises that souned like pleading. "PLEASE LET US LIVE. LEAVE MY SON AT LEAST." she sniffled until night wing my aprenticice night fury yelled out "Can't you see! Where only trying to help you! Ugh why are humans so complicated!" I shook my head at the hachling. And then it hit me 'humans cant under stands us how will i explain'- my thoughts where interupted by nets flying at us. I doged the best i could along with night wing, but i forgot i was holding a human. As if in cue she screamed and when i yelled out i saw her drop her hatchling. "NIGHT WING GO GET THAT HATCLING QUICKLY!" I roared which must have sounded horrifying because the human shrunk down the best she could. She looked scared. I looked down and i saw night wing catch the hatchling before it hit the ground. But he was caught in the net and before he hit the ground his wings where wraped the hatchling. I sighed in relief before going down to get them. But as i was going a net came too close and i have to leave.
                  Ezio's P.O.V
As i saw a women being taken away by a dragon i jumped into action. I needed to move fast or my target will get away. I quickly desposed of the guards then went for my target. I killed him staright away. A man named Ryker Grimborn. I was in the archipelago for this mission. I went over to the dragon and released him ready to kill him. But he just opened his wings and in them layed a baby boy i looked up into the sky as the dragon i previously say flew in the distance and the women yelling "hiccup: 'must be the boys name' I thought to my self. I picked him up carefully seeing he was week and fragile. I decided i will take him in as my own and raise him. I will also take the dragon in. He seemed kind and gentle I noticed he had no teeth but but he realeased them to cut some rope. I took these tow to rome with me and into the creed. With the help of some of the creed members and my sister Claudia im raising Hiccup auditore

AHHHHHHH YES I DID IT I WROTE CHAPTER 1 OF THIS STORY   IF your reading this thank your for taking intrest in my story and please share it ao othera can read it too. I will rry and upload every day. Fyi i made the banner. I drew hiccup as an assassin. This is so awsome feel free to coment sugesting characters and ideas to add to this story
-Ribbon the Wolf Demon

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