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 If you didnt know they all are look like httyd 1

      Astrid's P.o.v

I ran threw the forest I had followed the 4 people to there camp sight and found they had allied with the beast. It was late at night so I wouldn't disturb the village but I went to calk the gang in the arena for this. After they all sneaked out of there respective houses we stood in the arena.

"Ok guys there something i need to tell you about the 4 starngers or 4 visitors that they-" I was cut off by no other then ruffnut "that the boys are so dreamy!" Stated ruff nut sometimes im confused whst type of girl she is one moment she is ruff (get it heheh) then the next she is girly. You will never see me like that. "No Ruff ,they have dragons!"

A gasp was herd from the group as I said that.  "And kinds I have never seen before! The only one i could recognize was the changwing"

"Can you describe them please!" I herd fishlegs say with eximent. I sigh and began to describe them. "Ok so Winter had a pure white dragon on four legs and long tail, it has feathers instead of scales. It has a beak like mouth and blue eyes with black around it like an owl. The tail has long feathers at the begining amd at the end. It has eye patterns on its wings and tail with three long faethers on its head it also breaths ice instead of fire." I could hear fishlegs gasp as he drew the dragon the best he could i pointed out some flaws and he fixed them.

"Oh my thor a new dragon species I vote we call it ice wing!" I wanted to sigh loudly and slap him but ruffnut did it for me "Ok one fishlegs theu have dragons and you just want tk learn from it and second they have there own dragons so they are already classified" I nearly choked.

Did ruff nut just say something smart?! The others jaw droped as well. There was alittle silenced later broken by fish legs "ok so anyway can you describe the others Astrid?" I could hear the awkwardness in his voice." Sure. Alayla had a light tan dragon who had fur and a crown of spike like fur or feathers i dont know. I had white kn its tail belly and bottem jaw. I had long white sharo teath sticking out if his top jaw down. Retractable claws and a preicile tail with dark dark purple stripes like three down its tail. It had this spoted pattern kf black on it back and sides with the claw like thing on it wings." I could see fishlegs exicment bubbleing up.

"And the last one was all balck huge wings and a second pair on wings on its tail and tail fins with four spike like things on it head with piercing green eyes" fishlegs stoped. "Sounds like a night fury i have herd Stoick describ i as the the one that broke into his house and stole his son!" Wait what! Stoick dose have a family but they were killed by dragons!

"Fishlegs stoicks son was killed by one?!" "Yeh and his wife by a storm cutter" repiled fishlegs causally

"How did i not know this fishlegs?!" I asked shocked, i knew everything around here and everybody. "Well i may or may have not ease droped on Gobbers and the chiefs conversation"

He began toying with his fingers. I just stared and my jaw droped. "FISHLEGS WHY WOULD YOH DO THAT" Snot lout yelled has he forgoten it late at night so punched him to shut up by punching him "snoutlout! Shh its late at night we arenr supposed to be up right now.

Hey wait wheres tuff nut" we all turned to see him passdd out on the ground snoring. I sighed "ok everyone go back home we wil tell the chief in the morning" With all that we went home.

         The next morning
            (Alayla's P.o.v )
I woke early because mince was nudging me. Ugh looks like an early morning, again! Why me now I know how winter and hiccup feels. Jacks lucky crimson is lazy and dosnt like to wake up. As I woke up I went outside to feed mince finding hiccup half asleep feeding toothless and winter alseep on a tree.

I went over to them to wake them up. After I did so we got ready to head to the village to speak about some details about the Templars. As we arrived we saw the chief and the council along with a few others. They all had this scowl and a stare that could kill.

I shared a look with the others. We all were confused but the vikings couldn't noticed with our hoods up. As we walked up to them ,we were cuased to stoped because stoick put his hand up.
"Is it true that you have sided with those beasts?!" I froze, my heart skiped a beat. Is my Mince in trouble in dager?! I was about to pull my blades but winter put her hand on my wrist tell me not to engaged. "I asked a questioned are you or are you not working with those devils."

Thats it he pull "the devil card" the others must of seen my anger and was about to stop me but of course my anger and nature to protect got in the way. "They are not devils, they are gental caring creatures! They are also very loyal and not fight first then question!" The vikings gasp and started murmering things until stoick started laughing.

We all looked at him like was crazy then he face turned to kill on sight. "You think we believe you. How many things have you lied to use about!" We all looked around worried and quite "refuse to talk eh?!" He walked up to me and lifted my by the throat. I hung on for dear life struggling wont help the worst part is they are holding my hands down that when hiccup lost it "ok ok ok! We will tell you anything put her down."

He smirked and put me down behind him I could see the boy I believe fishlegs look down in shame and Astrid a little too. But who told was it them? My thoughts where interrupted by stoick "who are you and your people really i want to know where your dragons are as well as what type my dragon expert didnt recognize 3 of them only the change wing" oh no they cant know we are assassins!

"We are who we we are the girls have Spanish backround while me and jack have.. roman backround" There where gasps again after what hiccup said "Romans?! Our enemies! Are you spies?!" Hiccup must of seen no other choice but to tell what we are. "No we do not work for them everything we tell you is right, but we are assassins we are to protect the innocent from tje Templars and we work in the dark to serve the light.

As i said im Hiccup Auditore adopted son of Ezio Auditore" hiccup said with a slight bow "and the dragons I want the dragons" i was praying them not to but i was getting frustrated ,hiccup and stoick had gotyen into an agurment when i took my cue as everyone was focused on the too men I stabed my capture with my balde.

Hah! That will teach you to mess with Alayla. But that atracked attention.  Oops oh well I attacked jumping on my chargers attacking everything in sight only brusing them as i turned hiccup was fighting stoick and the other tow where fighting as well. We all got cornered but then smirked.

As they raised there weponds a mighty roar was herd from the forest fallowled by 3 more from the sky the roar in the forest was stronger and all went silent until.. "NIGHTFURY GET DOWN"

They all dropped the random viking's remarked and withthing seconds the place had ice from illousion and vikings being kidnaped by mince ,GO MINCE, and shields and swords blown to pieces and melted by toothless and crimson.

"DRAGONS ARE LOYAL. See how they came to our rescue when we where attacked hmm?! Theu were about to talk back when a horn was herd. Wich ment ships coming... We took to the skies and scaned the horizon and what we saw made us fumble a little
"Templars" we all said in sinc


Wooh long chapter 1432 words MY HAND HURTS uhggregg well hope this makes us for the lack of chapters. I have Azmeirt coming up wich is big state testing and im a little buisy.  Well stay strong wolf pups and work as a pack

-Ribbon the Wolf Demon 🐾🌹

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