Chapter 4: "Dances are lame"

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On a lousy morning Estelle stretched around her bed turning over to see Izaak still sleeping. Smiling over at him she straddled his waist placing kisses down his neck .Izaak stirred and smiled over at her Izaak sat up and roughly kissed Estelle before getting out of bed exposing his fully naked form. Estelle gave him a lustful onceover. "I knew you liked me naked but I didn't think you liked it that much." He said playfully kissing Estelle. Estelle groaned and picked up her white shirt and black cardigan throwing them one after her bra. She then put on her skinny jeans and black boots. Izaak then wrapped an arm around Estelle. "You coming to the dance with me?" Izaak asked as they walked out of his room and to his car before Adam could see the two.

"Dances are lame I can't believe you want to go to it. I could think of things I'd rather do. Like you for instance." Estelle commented as they drove into the carpark.

"Too bad, I have to help decorate and it would have been great if you could come." Izaak commented walking out of the car and splitting from Estelle. Walking over to Estelle's locker, Estelle looked around trying to find Nick. Faye then walked up to her.

"Oh so your not so platonic boyfriend decided to ditch you." Faye smirked handing her a coffee.

"You are such a bitch." Estelle frowned trying to get her locker open. "What happened to my magic?!" Estelle yelled loudly.

"We can only do magic with someone else holding our hand" Faye grumbled looking at the locker and the locker opened. Estelle smiled up at her getting her books out and walking away with Faye to class. After school Estelle saw Nick waiting outside the school smirking at Estelle who walked up to him.

"Where the hell were you?" Estelle demanded to know getting into Nick's car.

"I was getting lucky." Nick grinned widely driving off.

"Seriously? You know if you break her heart I'll break your nose. Moving on did you know we can't do magic by ourselves?" Estelle exclaimed with an angry huff.

"That sucks. But hey if we can only do magic together then we have to get to know each other better." Nick shrugged pulling up to the trail that led to the house.

"As if I am going to get to know you better best friend." Estelle teased him punching his shoulder lightly.

"Oh I think you do want to know me better." Nick flirted grabbing Estelle's waist as they walked into the main area.

"Are you concentrating?" Faye snapped looking at Melissa.

"I'm trying; it's harder when I'm answering your questions." Melissa snapped back.

"When I count to three focus all your energy on moving it towards me." Faye ordered.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked confused.

"Trying to figure out this bound magic nightmare." Faye spat looking up at him.

"Of course you would." Estelle smirked looking down at the phone. Faye then counted to three and the phone moved over to her. Faye looked underwhelmed to say the least.

"We did it." Mellissa grinned.

"Last week I was setting things on fire without having to hold someone's hand." Faye grumbled getting up. "According to Diana the more of us doing a spell the stronger it is." Faye pointed out.

"Why did we agree to bind the circle again?" Estelle asked raising an eyebrow.

"I wonder what we could do with the four of us." Melissa thought out loud.

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