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Reason number two: Liam Johnson

Liam Johnson, also known as Graham's brother, is another reason why I want to kill myself.  I know it may be seen as an exaggeration to want to end my life because of one person, but it's not just the one person.  It's that one person, as a part of the seven total reasons that I have, including other singular people.  

Two years ago – freshman year

"Why are you so nervous?" Myra exclaims.  "This is going to be so much fun!  We were invited to a senior's party!  This is amazing, Kenz!"

"I don't know, a lot can happen," I tell my best friend.  "Again, we're only freshmen.  We're nearly four years younger than a bunch of these people."

"Three years," She corrects.

I roll my eyes at her.  Like one year makes that much of a difference in this situation.  Three, four, whatever.  We're still younger than them, and by a couple years.  Age difference becomes less of a big deal when you're older, but when they are a quarter of your life older than you, then it makes a difference.

We walk into the crowded house and I immediately don't know what to do with myself, and I can sense a similar tone from Myra.  I look around the room, and I don't see anybody that I actually know.  I obviously know who these people are, but I don't think I've actually interacted with any of them.

"Hey, Myra!  Mackenzie!" An obviously drunk girl screams, running up to the two of us.  As she gets closer, I recognize her as Selena, another girl in our grade.  At least we're not the only freshmen here.

"Hey, Selena," Myra kindly responds.

"Let's get you two a drink," She exclaims, grabbing each of us by the arm and tugging us through the house and into the kitchen.

"Look at that!  All our freshmen together," A tall guy says.  He even has a stubble on his chin, this guy is from a different era than us.  I simply should not be here.  Not at this party, not in this kitchen, not here.

"Hi," Myra replies in her infamous flirty voice.

"Here, you two need a drink," The guy says, handing us each an unopened beer can.  We each pop them open and I take the teeniest sip that I can.  I've never really even drank alcohol before.

Before I even know it, Myra gets stolen away from me to talk to a junior boy.  I'm left by myself, only with this beer can in my hand.  I don't know who to talk to.  I don't want to go up to a random person and talk to them, that's weird and awkward for me to do.  I kind of want someone to come to me and talk, but I feel like that could be awkward too.  This whole day and experience is full of awkwardness.

"Mackenzie," Another senior boy says, coming in front of me.  He's smiling.  He's very attractive.  I almost feel my face blush just from looking at him.

"Hi," I smile back.  This boy is not just any boy, either.  He is Liam Johnson–one of the most popular guys in our entire school, and the host of this party.  I can't even comprehend that he is speaking to me right now.

"I've been wanting to get to know you," He replies.  "You seem like a really cool girl, probably the best out of the freshman class.  That's really why I had you and your friend come tonight."

"Really?" I muse.  "I assumed it was for Myra, not for me."

"You were the one," He smirks.  "Wanna go some where more quiet to get to know each other a little better?  I think we could be good friends."

Don't do it, Mackenzie.  "Sure."

I follow him as he navigates through his own house and goes up the stairs.  I assumed a quiet place could have been somewhere like outside or something, but no.  Here we are going up to his bedroom.  Holy shit, this is not the place where a girl like me belongs.

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