Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

I woke up with somebody looming over my face. I screamed and jumped up, standing on top of the makeshift bed.

A woman with a double chin was the intruder.

"Hello, I am Gretchen, the resident witch..." I cut her off by witch slapping her.

"Well, I guess I deserved that and more. I'm going to be the one dealing with your bond issues. Now, I want you to know the aftereffects. You won't feel attracted to him anymore, or jealous if he has any whore –that rhymed- on his arm or something. He will still have his side of the bond, but it will mean nothing. This is irreversible. You won't be able to alter this, but if you wish, you can build back a bond. It will be altered, losing the power it once had. The bond won't be as strong as the original, like a fading shadow of doubt."

I nodded at Gretchen, reaching for my backpack. I pulled out the natural quartz, feather from a phoenix, hair from a Reuse, and elixir of some sorts, what was it again? Oh right, the elixir of recreation."

I gave it all to the witch. She popped open the elixir like one does with wine, and she took a big whiff.

She dropped the natural quartz in, and it fell in with a plop. The natural quartz is actually a shred, a cast off from the huge, enormous real natural quartz. If it was as big as the natural quarts (the size of both my fists conjoined) it wouldn't have been able to fit in the elixir.

She dropped the other items inside. She placed the cover on the elixir, and shook.

"Hell to do this, that's all we had to do?!" I momentarily forgot about Styx, but she made her presence known.

"My child, I can see in your face disbelief, but believe me, I am not finished. I must chant a spell." Gretchen smiled. Honestly though, does this witch ever frown?

"That makes more sense." Styx replied, obviously humiliated about making such a rash desi-

"What do you mean rash decision? You agreed with me!" She retorted, interrupting my important, amazing line of-

"STFU" Was all she said, cutting me off again.

The witch took a deep breath and inhaled,

"Na ha Haakum."

She repeated that sentence, over and over again. The elixir in her hand glowed a reddish color.

"What does 'Na ha Haakum' mean?" I asked her.

"It is an ancient language, one that must be used to cast spells, if you are against runes, though runes work better because you can mess up your lines and..."

I interrupted, "What does 'Na ha Haakum' mean?" I asked again.

She sighed, "Na ha Haakum means It is broken."

"Drink this." She thrust the elixir at me.

"Wha- no! No, no and no! That hair probably has fleas, and we all know that was a phoenix tail feather, which means it might have poop in it. And I shouldn't be eating that rock/mineral, it's bad for my health." As I was rambling on, she popped it open, and poured the remedy down my throat.

I choked, and she held the bridge of my nose.

Swallow, she instructed.

I did as she said, and I felt like barfing, but then I started thinking, where the hell has Roe been this whole fudging time? I mean, his support would've been very helpful.

"What did you?" I didn't finish, but I was interrupted. My hands glowed, my pupils must've dilated or something because I was seeing crazy stuff, and an inhuman scream came out of me.

I fell onto my knees, the scream continuing. Taking my strength, my belief, and my power. My throat was hoarse, but I kept screaming,

I was in intense pain, and I couldn't do anything about it.

Just then, the front door opened, "Honey I'm home, I got us some food." Roe dropped the paper bags that were in his hands when he saw me.

I thought he was worried when he rushed over, but it wasn't the case.

"You're breaking the bond with witchcraft, and used all sorts of crazy magic, and you DIDN'T BOTHER TO CALL ME? What is your problem, Cedar?"

I coughed, seeming to have stopped screaming. "You."

He growled lowly and asked me, "Do you have a death wish?"

I smirked. Idiota just walked into my trap! "For you, yes."

I coughed, and politely – you know me, I'm just kidding -, cough & cough, rudely, cough & cough, asked Gretchen to leave.

"As you know, Roe, we are leaving soon to go questing, by the notebook, or what it says, we are infiltrating the Alpha Novice, meaning we'll be going as..."

Roe interrupted me. Gosh, is today World Interrupt day?

"An Alpha and Luna!" He squealed like a little baby.

"If anything Roe, people would think YOU'RE the Luna. But, that lie it way to obvious to use. We don't have Alpha or Luna aura, and if we are asked about which packs we lead, well, simply put it as we're screwed. If you hadn't interrupted me, I would've told you we are going in as waiters or waitresses in my case. We'll be able to communicate with the Alpha's and Luna's without being suspected." I finished, but Roe seemed to want to continue for me.

"We could fill their drinks with emetic medicine, or something strong enough to deprive their co-ordination, in case of a quick escape. But, what are we really doing there?"

I sighed, the notebook had provided this information.

"The Alpha Novice is being hosted at the Momentary dining ball/museum. As the notebook says, a pamphlet in the private parts of the museum has been identified to have news of the deity that created us. Whom isn't the Moon Goddess."

"THIS QUEST IS EVEN MORE FUN," Roe started jumping up and down, "We get to infiltrate and hide ourselves among powerful beings?! Effing awesome."

I smiled, because, you've got to admit. That is kind of fun sounding. But, until you do it and mess up, it'll stay fun.

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