Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen.

"How are we going to get into the Alpha Novice?" Roe questioned.

I was about to answer, but somebody did so first.

"Simple. I've booked you a flight there, and now you will be able to get there. You'll be staying with one of my friends. If you encounter a pack, it's your problem from then on." It was the Big Guy. He was standing in the doorway, with no cigar in his hand.

"When are we leaving?" I addressed him simply, I did not want to start an unnecessary conversation.

"Now. No time to pack, my friend will give you money when you get to them, and any toiletries such as toothbrushes and towels are already in the place you will be staying. I have two tickets to Colorado. But, you should be careful, you still have stitches. Alright?"

The Big Guy nodded his head, and gestured for us to follow him. I slung my backpack over my shoulders and followed him.

We walked out of the bungalow, and we were heading in the same direction they had found me. The Big Guy stopped to hand me the plane tickets.

"I've forged your passports," He also gave me fake passports. I nodded and placed them in my backpack.

"Alright my boy, this is how far I'm willing to go. Shift and you," He turned to nod at me, "Can climb his fur and ride with him."

Oh boy.

"That sounds fun." Styx said.

Oh, I forgot I had a wolf with me.

Roe threw his backpack at me, and I couldn't catch it because of my amazing catching skills, which are none-existent.

He shifted. His bones cracked, a low hum escaping his lips. His shoulders dislocated, and relocated at a different position. He went down on all fours, the fur seeping through.

His face elongated, his nuzzle spreading.

Roe had finished shifting, and he gazed up at me.

Once again, he was in his grey wolf form.

I reached out to him, but quickly drew my hand back. I put my left leg over his waist, and sat on him. I gripped his stomach fur, burying my face into his stomach.

Something tells me I should hold on.

Roe bent down, before bursting with speed.

We ran fast, not fast enough to be considered speedy, but not slow enough to be considered a normal rate.

I closed my eyes, trying to take deep breaths. Instead, I had short measly ones which kept me begging for more, and saying that itself, hurts.

Roe ran even faster, and I let my curiosity get the better of me. I raised my head and opened my eyes, and BAM! I was hit by a fudging tree branch.

I groaned, murmuring a few colorful words.

The forest around us started to disappear.

I guess we are heading into town.

I brought my head back down, and closed my eyes.

I do not want a repeat of last time.

Roe halted and I flew off, landing on the hard gravel or something.

"Oof." I groaned again.

"You dropped us off at the airport. Do you know how dangerous that is?" I grumbled to Roe.

He sighed, and shifted back into human form.

He held out his hand, and I gladly took it.

I stood up and brushed imaginary dust off.

We walked towards the airport, coming in from the backside.

Sometime after doing some airport related things, we waited patiently in our seats, fiddling. I sighed, breathing in and out. I was waiting for our flight.

The intercom crackled to life, and some lady said, "Flight 28576 to Colorado, please make your way to boarding.

Roe and I sprung up from our seats, ignoring the weird looks we got. We walked silently, our shoes hitting the tiled floor.

I kept my head down, thinking.

I knew that Roe said we would go home after the quest, but I knew better. We would never go home. I would never go home. I would always be a freelancer, escaping country after country, with no idea what to do with my life.

We stopped and lined up, behind a couple.

A couple of werewolves.

I froze, and I looked at Roe.

He seemed interested in the ceiling.

I tried to make out what the werewolf couple were saying,

"I think it's them."
I made that out, and I hoped it wasn't us they were referring to.

They said some more things, and the female werewolf looked at me, turning her head at such an angle.

"The ones Alpha Jared put on warning?"

They were definitely speaking about us.

They whispered some more, and I tried to focus on something other than the bile making its way up my throat.

"Should..." I only heard that, and I wanted to know the rest of the question.

"We shouldn't turn them in, I don't particularly like Jared."

It was the female that said this, and when she had, I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

The line moved up, and the couple handed their passports.

The lady checked their passports, and returned their tickets.

Our turn.

I unzipped my backpack and fisted out our tickets and passports.

I shakily handed them to the lady, and Roe snapped to attention.

Please work, please work!

'Hmm, that's weird." The lady said while handing over our tickets. I snatched them and grabbed our passports, before scurrying away.

Plane Seat E5 and E4.

I'm a little afraid this plane will crash as well.

We boarded the plane, and made our way to our seats.

I sat down, and I didn't want to close my eyes.

We crashed last time I slept on the plane. I don't want a repeat of last time.

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