Chapter 11

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Hey guys ! So sorry for the long wait, a lot of things have been going on so haven't had time to write ! Butt thank you all for 10K READS !! I actually can't believe it !! Thank you all so much ! You are amazing !
It's been a few hours since me and Jack have been taken to the station for further questioning. They are asking simple questions like " Who was it ?" " Why did they do it " etc. Of course me and Sean told them everything because we want Mark and his little friend to be locked up for good.After an hour or two me and Jack walked out of the police station and went back to Jacks apartment, we sat down on the couch and gave a sigh of relief.
" We're free " Jack gave a breathless laugh
" Yep ha, I never thought I would say it. we don't have to put up with Mark and his little slut anymore. Yano. It's funny, just a few months ago I was wanting to start my own little family with Mark and now look where I am. never thought I would be so happy to see my boyfriend in prison." I said
" Y/N ? "
" Yeah Sean ?"
" Did you really mean it earlier ? When you said you loved me? Did you actually mean it?" Jack asked me quietly
I looked Jack dead in the eyes. " I meant it, I love you Jack McLoughlin. " I leant forward and kissed him. We both melted in to the kiss. It's like we were meant to be.
------ 3 weeks forward ------
" Y/n? Can I ask you a serious question?" Jack asked
" Of course. What's up?"
" Do you want kids?"
" W-well not right now. Maybe we could get a hamster or so,etching for the time being?"
" Oh yeah, not right now of course but in the future?"
" Hmm maybe. Wait ! We could get a dog !!"
" Really ?" Jack looked surprised
" Yes !! let's go to the local shelter right now !"
Me and Jack drove for about 30 minutes to get to the dog shelter. As soon as we arrived we were greeted my a lovely lady who pulled out a huge folder full of all the dogs that they have in their care right now. Me and Jack sat down and went through them one by one to see which was more suitable for us. After around 15 minutes we finally narrowed it down to 2 dogs. We asked the woman if we could meet them both to see which one we preferred.
The first one we were taken too was a little grey and white Shitzu called Molly. She was very lively and fluffy. She is around 2-3 years old and she is in the shelter because her last owner sadly past away.
The second dog was a Rottweiler called Spencer who was around the same age as Molly and was put into the shelter because his last owners couldn't take care of him because he was so big and full of energy.
Me and Jack found it very hard to choose but finally we came to a decision. We were going to adopt...


Yes, me and Jack could not decide but what we said is that Molly will me Jacks dog and Spencer will be my dog. We signed the papers and walked hand in hand with our 2 new additions to the family to the car and drove to the pest home to pick up all the food we would need and all the toys etc.

We finally got home and placed the dogs beds down and food and they both seemed to settle in nicely and were soon acting as if they had lived with us there whole life.

We were already starting to sort of forget about the past and move on and become a big family. Maybe this is the start of a new chapter in my life.

that's cheaper 11 all completed guys. Sorry again it took so long. love you all ❤️

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