Chapter 15

668 15 13

Itsss meeee ^
Btw,, would you guys like me to do another Q&A or maybe a little fact file thing on me so you can learn about me a little? Let me know!!

I'm now 30 weeks into the pregnancy and I have already gained 16 pounds. I've had a few stares off strangers because of my stretch marks and my little waddle but as I keep saying in my head " bITCH ARE YOU CARRYING TWO BABYS IN YOUR FUCKING WOMB ARE YOU?!"
Also my food cravings have become worse by the day, I'm either craving ice or salty things. I do feel bad for Sean because this means he is always in the car back and forth the local super market getting ice and ready salted crisps but Sean being Sean has not complained once!
Molly and Spencer also have a habit of sleeping in the twins nursery at night, I think they are excited to welcome the baby's, I hope everything goes well and everyone gets on with each other.
It's currently 2am and I am struggling to sleep which is quiet weird since I'm usually the first one asleep out of me and Jack. As I'm scrolling through twitter I saw the BBC uploaded something.
2 convicts have escaped from L.A.V.C state prison. The two prisoners were imprisoned for kidnapping and attempted murder in 2016.
The convicts name are Mark Fishbach and Hannah Tyne. If you see either of these prisoners run to safety and call 999.


" Y/N what's wrong?!" Jack said panicking
" They're coming" I said staring at the door
" Whose coming baby?" Jack tried to say reassuring me
I threw Jack my phone began to shake even more.
" Y/N calm down, they will be caught before they even make it near our house. The police are looking for them, I'm here to protect you too. We've trained Spencer to attack on command and Molly has been trained to alert us. Everything will be okay"
No matter how much reassuring Jack did, nothing helped. I was awake all night and it was 6am I decided to finally wake up and surprise Jack with some chocolate chip pancakes to show my appreciation for how much he has done for me lately.
Spencer and Molly were playing tug of war with each other which was really funny since Spencer is much bigger than Molly so he always wins.
It helps knowing that they have been trained to attack intruders when we say  and alert me and Jack.
I decided to put the pancakes in the oven so they would stay warm whilst I went and a hot shower. I left Molly and Spencer on guard downstairs and even though I wanted to relax I couldn't, I was listening very carefully for any weird noises or Spencer and Mollys loud barking.
Finally I put my dressing gown on and unlocked the door. As soon as I came to the top of the stairs I felt two firm hands grip my waste, I screamed thinking it was Jack trying to scare me.
" Jack, can you not? I'm on edge as you know!!" I yelled angrily
" it's not Jack, Y/n" a sinister voice said from behind me, that's when I realised it was Mark.
As soon as I realised it was Mark I decided to scream to alert Jack.
" Ahh-"
" stupid bitch!" Mark yelled.
Mark pushed me forward and I went head first down the stairs. That's the last thing I remember before it all went dark.

Jacks POV
" Y/n?" I groaned
" Ahh-" I headed Y/n scream
" Stupid bitch!" I heard Mark yell
I jumped out of bed faster than ever. I flung my bedroom door open and I saw Mark push Y/n down our stairs
" Y/N !!" I yelled
Marks neck snapped towards me and a big smirk came across his face
" Long time no see, friend."
I ran over to Mark and head butted him, once he was down on the floor I saw he had a kitchen knife in his hand, I punched him in his Adam's apple which made him drop the knife. I quickly grabbed his knife and held it against his neck.
" Goodbye Mark "
I jabbed the knife into the side of his neck, in and out 3 times.
I then stabbed him 4 times in the chest just to make sure he was dead.
I dropped the bloody knife and ran down the steps missing at least 5 steps.
I grabbed Y/Ns head and laid it on my lap.
" Y/n come on, please. "
I quickly grabbed the house phone and dialled 999.
" Hello? Yes. police and Ambulance please ! Quick !! "
" please stay with me Y/n. Think of the twins too! Please. I know you can pull through this."
I began to cry, smoothing her hair whilst I wait for the medics to arrive.

Oops! Cliffhanger!!
Could this be how the book ends? Will there be a sequel?

Love you guys!! Stay awesome !!


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