Chapter 16

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Jacks POV
We had just arrived at the hospital and I have been told to wait in the waiting room. All I can think about is;
1- Will I get arrested for killing Mark and not be able to see the twins
2- Are the twins and Y/N okay?
3- How long until I can see Y/N ?!

15 minutes after waiting, Dr.Zuri came out of one of the rooms.
" Mr.Mcloughlin?" She asked
" Yes! That's me! Is everything okay? How is Y/N? How are the twins? Are the police here yet?" Thousands of questions flowing out of my mouth.
" Sir, please calm down. Y/N is okay, the only injuries she has is a hairline fracture in her left hand. She was very lucky Mr. Mcloughlin. We are yet to do a scan on the twins yet but so far everything seems okay there are no signs of bleeding or anything serious yet. We will let you know if anything more happens."
I gave a sigh of relief.
" Can I see her?" I asked
" Not just yet. As soon as we get the scan done to make sure everything is okay with the baby's you can see her." She smiled
" Okay,thank you" I sat back down staring at the clock which was very slowly ticking around.
" Excuse me Sir, are you Mr.Sean McLoughlin?"
I looked up to see two male police officers standing there, I gulped, loudly.
" No reason to be scared, we just wan to ask you a few questions that's all." He smiled trying to reassure me.
I got up and dusted myself off and followed the two tall police officers.
They sat me in the back of their police car and started preparing all of their notes.
" So.. What happened at 8:46 am this morning? "
" Well Sir, I-i was awoken by Y/N screaming and someone calling her a Stupid bitch. I of course ran out of our bedroom and saw Mark standing at the top of the stairs and Y/N at the bottom.... unconscious."
I explained everything that happened next and I was waiting for the police officers to stop me and tell me I was being arrested for murder.
They let me finish my story and they both finished writing their notes and said
" Okay Sir, thank you for answering our questions and congratulations on murdering for being brave enough to stab the tenth most dangerous criminal out there! Because Mr Fischbach was one of the most dangerous criminals in the world you will not be arrested for murder, instead you will be given an award from Queen Elizabeth III herself for your bravery!"
They both congratulated me and let me go back to the hospital. To my surprise Doctor Zuri was standing in front of me and told me to to follow her into room 113.
There she was, my beautiful girlfriend. She was slowly waking up and I already had planned what the first thing I say to her was going to be.
Around 15 minutes go by and Y/N had just fully woken up, she was a bit sore but nothing serious thank god. We were still awaiting for the test results on our little twins but the doctor seemed calm about everything.
" J-Jack?" She mumbled
" Yes, I'm right here don't worry" I softly held her hand and smoothed it to comfort her.
" Hey Y/N? Can I ask you something?"
" Uhh, sure? Is everything okay?" Her voice still groggy from the medication.
There was a long pause in the room.
" Y/N, you are the only woman I ever want to be with. I have loved you since I was 12 and I will never stop loving you. Will you Mar-" I was quickly cut off my Dr.Zuri walking in with the results.
" So! Good news, everything is okay. The baby's are happy and healthy and you should continue to have a normal pregnancy."
I coughed to show the Dr that I was kind of in the middle of something.
" Oh-OH IM SO SORRY!" Dr Zuri quickly left the room, leaving the results at the foot of Y/Ns bed.
" soooo, as I was saying. Will yo-"
" AHHHHHHH" Y/n clenched her fist into a bawl and started screaming.
I pressed the alarm to alert the nurses to come in.
" Is everything ok- "the nurse was soon cut off with Y/n screaming in pain again.
" Okay. I guess it's go time!" The nurse called for Dr.Zuri and within 3 minutes of me pressing the button Y/n was already pushing!
" come on Y/n you can do this! I love you "
Soon after...
* baby cries *
" It's a boy!" Dr Zuri announced.

About 6 minutes later and a lot of screaming from me and y/n our beautiful baby girl arrived.!
The midwife ran off to clean the baby's off and soon handed them both to us. I held the boy and Y/n held the girl.
" Hello, Madelyn-Rose." Y/n smiled.
" Hey little guy. I hope you think your name is cool when you grown up, Jett." I giggled to myself.
I have a perfect girlfriend and 2 healthy and happy twins. Life couldn't get any better.
Let's hope that the next time I try and propose to Y/n, no one interrupts us!

Oops sorry for the long ass wait! I have my GCSEs now and I have been so busy! I hope you enjoy this chapter though!
Love you guys 🦋

Wiki 😀

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