7|| Annabeth

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"Lots of homework?" Hermione asked. "Professor Vector didn't give us any at all!"

"Well, bully for Professor Vector," Ron said grumpily as they reached the entrance hall. Annabeth took one look at the long line to get inside and her stomach let out a small groan.

"Weasley! Hey, Weasley!" They all turned. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle were standing behind them, looking thoroughly pleased about something. Annabeth internally sighed, wishing Piper were there. She could get Malfoy in line, but unfortunately Piper was probably already in the Great Hall.

"What?" Ron asked shortly.

"Your dad's in the paper, Weasley!" Malfoy shoved a copy of The Daily Prophet in front of their faces. Annabeth squinted then decided it wasn't worth the trouble.

"And there's a picture, Weasley!" Malfoy gleefully snatched it back and flipped the paper again, holding it up. "A picture of your parents outside their house-- if you could call it one! Your mother could do with losing a bit if weight, couldn't she?"

Ron was shaking with fury, murder clearly in his eyes.

"Get stuffed, Malfoy," Harry snapped. "C'mon, Ron..."

"You were staying with them this summer, weren't you, Potter?" Malfoy sneered at their retreating backs. "So tell me, is his mother really that porky, or is it just the picture?"

"You know your mother, Malfoy?" Harry snapped suddenly. Percy and Annabeth both seized hold of Ron's robes to keep him from charging at Malfoy, leaving Harry free to storm up to Malfoy. "You know, your mother, that expression she's got? Like she's got dung under her nose? Has she always looked like that, or was it just because you were with her?"

Malfoy's face went pink and his eyes narrowed. "Don't you insult my mother, Potter."

"Keep your fat mouth shut then." Harry turned away. Annabeth could see the movement in her vision. She reached for her wand and yelled a quick spell--


Malfoy's blinding white curse bounced directly off the magic shield. There was another loud BANG and before she knew it, Malfoy was gone, replaced by a white ferret.


Professor Moody limped down the stairs, his wand pointed at the white ferret. He glanced at Harry with his normal eye-- the magic one was rolling all over the inside of his head.

"Did he get you?"

"No," Harry nodded at Annabeth. "She blocked it."

"And good thing for tha-- LEAVE IT!" Moody suddenly bellowed.

"Leave what?" Harry asked, bewildered.

"Not you-- him!" he jerked his thumb over his shoulder at Crabbe, who had just frozen, about to pick up the white ferret. It seemed that Moody's eye could see straight out the back of his head.

The white ferret gave a terrified squeak and took of for the dungeons.

"I DON'T THINK SO!" Moody roared and Annabeth winced, wishing his tone of voice could have more volumes than just deadly quiet and completely-roaring-loud.

Moody whipped his wand in Malfoy the Ferret's direction. There was another loud bang, and Malfoy flew up into the air, landing back with a smack on the floor, then bouncing upwards once more.

"I don't like people who attack when their opponent's back is turned," Moody growled as the ferret bounced higher still, squeaking in pain. "Stinking, cowardly, scummy thing to do..."

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