13|| Percy

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Ron was furious the day after the Hogsmeade visit. He continued to cast angry glances at Harry and, multiple times, Percy caught many at himself.

"What did I do?" He asked Annabeth in frustration. "I didn't do anything. I didn't put Harry's name in, or write that Daily Prophet article, or shrink his pajamas! Why's he mad at me?"

"Oh, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said in exasperation. "It's perfectly obvious. The same reason as why he's mad at Harry. He's jealous of you!"

Percy was taken aback. "Me? Why?"

"Ron was trying to make up with Harry last night," Nico said under his breath. "I heard him get up, but he didn't know Harry was talking to Sirius... I think something went wrong last night..."

"And what does that have to do with me?" Percy demanded.

"He's jealous of you," Thalia repeated what Annabeth said. "Harry told you about his meeting with Sirius first. He told you he was going to sneak out at midnight, and asked you to open the door so that it wouldn't be suspicious. He confided with you about everything that's happened around the tournament so far."

"Because to him, you have the most experience with this stuff," Nico explained. "So he went to you first for advice. You're like, his mentor."

"And the last three years, that was Ron. Harry always confided in Ron first before anyone else. You've replaced him," Annabeth stated.

"Me?" Percy looked around at the three nodding faces. "I replaced Ron?"

"Ron feels that way," Annabeth said. "He's angry about it."

"Well it's not my fault that Harry won't talk to him," Percy defended. "They need to make up."

"They were going to," Nico said again. "But it went wrong."

"Great. Just great." Percy glanced over at where Ron was sitting sullenly with Jason, who was trying to talk to him. Ron seemed intent on his toast, although that wasn't unusual. Breakfast was like a ritual for him.

"Guys," Harry suddenly popped his head in urgently. "Guys, Hagrid showed me the first task."

He had their attention immediately. "What is it?" Nico asked.

Harry suddenly pulled back with a teasing smile as he noticed their excitement. "Oh, it's not that interesting anyways. You guys can wait."

Percy gave a mock gasp of offense. "You wouldn't."

"I would."

"You wouldn't."

"I would."

"You wouldn't."

"I wou--"

"Harry!" Nico exclaimed. "Just spit it out, won't you?"

"Fine." Harry let the silence linger for a moment. "Dragons."

"Dragons?" Annabeth repeated.

"Dragons," Harry confirmed. "As in big scary monsters with wings."

"At least they're not drakons," Thalia said. "Nasty little piles of zebra poop."

"Zebra poop?" Harry repeated. "Never mind. I don't want to know."

"What do we have to do, though?" Nico asked, his hand unconsciously drifting to his sword that was doing the uncomfortable thing where the handle jabbed into his side when he sat down.

"I dunno," Harry shrugged. "But Fleur and Krum definitely know about it, since Madame Maxime and Karkaroff were there last night too."

Hermione frowned. "But that defeats the whole purpose of the task," she said slowly.

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