18|| Jason

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This one has a lot of dramaaaaaaa :) don't hate me

As Jason walked out of the Great Hall, the morning after the Yule ball announcement, he noticed a large amount of whispering and giggling among the girls. More so than usual.

"What's up with them?" Percy asked, trying not to stare at one particular group of girls who all glanced over at him and Jason as they walked by. One of them winked at Jason and fluttered her eyelashes.

Jason shrugged. "Dunno."

Thalia, who was waiting for them as they reached the doors, rolled her eyes.

"They think you're hot," she stated flatly. "And they want you to ask them out to the Yule Ball."

Percy laughed at that. "Me? Hot?"

Thalia's eyebrow twitched a bit. "I'm not saying you're hot," she defended. "I'm saying they think you're hot."

The boys stared at her blankly.

"Don't tell me you're that oblivious," she exclaimed. "Oh come on, have you never had a girl flirt with you before?"

They exchanged hesitant glances.

Thalia rolled her eyes. "Think Aphrodite girls."

"But that's normal for them," Percy protested.

Thalia threw her hands up. "You guys are hopeless," she muttered, turning on her heel and going back inside to wait for Annabeth and Hermione.

>>>•Krum POV•<<<

Krum spotted Piper as she headed down to the lake, wand ready to collect something. On instinct, he tried to straighten his posture, though it was hard from years of leaning forward to catch the fluttering golden ball that seemed to always be just in front of him.

A giggle rang through his ears, and Krum scowled. The fan club was back. He turned and shot them a half hearted glare before bending back over his parchment. The girls, shocked that they were caught, let out squeals of terror before darting back behind rocks or trees. Krum internally sighed. You'd think that he had gotten used to it after a few years, but this was different. These were schoolgirls, constantly following him everywhere. He just had to put up with them until the tournament was over.

A splash caught his ears again. He turned back to the lake, watching as Piper shook the water out of her eyes, playfully dodging a giant tentacle. She was soaked, despite rolling up her robes as to not get them wet.

"Hades, Marvin!" He could hear her yelp. "The water's freezing!"

Marvin? Krum glanced back at his paper, a smile on his lips. She certainly was special. Especially since she seemed immune to him, something he appreciated greatly.

Another round of whispering came from behind him, and he turned back, scowling.

"Begone!" He waved his hands, and the girls darted back to the castle. Finally.

Krum looked back towards the lake where Piper had finished playing around with the squid and was tromping back, dripping lakewater. Her choppy hair was plastered to her forehead, contrasting with her bright green eyes. Or bright blue. Sometimes purple. Brown. Gold. Krum could never tell.

"Hullo, Viktor!" Piper spotted him looking and waved cheerfully back. Unfortunately, she had waved with her wand arm. Meaning her wand was in her hand at the moment, levitating a strange, writhing green plant. Meaning the plant had fallen loose, and landed with a sick plop on her head. It fell to the ground and started wiggling away.

Krum yanked out his wand. "Immobulus!" The plant froze, mid wiggle.

Piper, who had dropped to her knees to gather up the rest of them, turned to him gratefully. "Thanks."

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