27|| Nico

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Nico's hand stung as soon as he touched the triwizard cup. He couldn't withdraw it. It was like he was glued to it as everything around them began to spin, blurring in colors... Nico could feel himself being lifted up in the air... he couldn't speak...

Then they were thrown to the ground.

"Harry?" Nico scrambled up quickly, sighing in relief as he spotted Harry on the ground as well.

"This is bad," Harry muttered. His eyes darted around like a cornered rabbit. "Where are we?"

Nico swallowed. "A graveyard." He could feel it as soon as they were thrown in there. Hundreds of souls, restless and moving, trapped between the mortal world and the underworld because they had no payment. "But why are we here?"

"Someone's coming." Harry tensed, his wand out. Nico readied his sword.

A figure began approaching, walking slowly and steadily with what appeared to be a bundle of robes in his hand then suddenly, he took another step forward, and Harry let out a cry of agony.

"Harry!" Nico didn't let his eyes leave the figure, but he crouched down. "Are you okay?"

Then Nico felt it. It was as if the man (or Nico assumed it was a man) was carrying a soul that radiated hatred. Or rather, it was carrying part of a soul. One seventh, to be specific. Nico's mouth grew dry. He knew who this was.

A high, cold voice rang through the air. "Kill the spare."

A blast of green light shot towards them.

Then Nico fell with a thump on the ground.

Pain exploded through him. It was as if someone had started to hack at his body, starting with his heart and going outwards. He couldn't move. He couldn't breathe. It was as if his body was dead and he no longer had control over himself. A shudder ripped through Nico as he felt his life wavering before him.

No, Nico thought firmly. I am a demigod. I am a child of Hades. I will not give in so easily to Thanatos.

His senses were shutting off. Nico couldn't see, couldn't hear anything going on around him. The pain didn't waver. It was like life and death was playing tug of war with his soul. He screamed in agony, but no sound came out. His life was wavering.

No! Nico yelled silently. and suddenly, the pain faded briefly, enough for Nico to wrench his eyes open. He stared at the starry sky numbly. A tingle ran through his nerves, like they were being awakened for the first time.

Then he saw them to the side. Harry, standing in the center of a circle, wand back in hand, facing a tall, deathly white figure. Tom Riddle. Risen again.

"You have been taught how to duel, Harry Potter?" Tom hissed.

If the situation was not so dire, and if Nico's vocal chords worked, he would have laughed. The only time they had been "taught" was the dueling club in second year with Lockhart.

"We bow to each other, Harry," Tom said. Nico could just barely see his tall frame bend over slightly in a mock bow. Nico tried to move his limbs and felt excruciating pain, as if all his bones were broken. He gritted his teeth, thankful that the circle of Death Eaters had stepped over him and their backs were to him. He was in the shadows... he could shadow travel for help... but no. He wouldn't leave Harry. Not now. Nico tuned out the conversation, putting every effort in regaining control over his limbs. His elbow bent and straightened slowly. His head turned back and forth. His knees bent from their eagle-spread position, setting of loud cracks like fireworks.

"What was that?" Nico heard a Death Eater say.

"An animal?" Another one suggested.

Nico blinked, slowly. His eyes cried out in relief. He rolled his shoulder in its socket, and another pop rang through.

"Yeah, an animal did that." The Death Eater's voice dripped with sarcasm.

Nico focused, then vanished and appeared in the shadow of a grave. He crouched, bones crying out in pain, and unsheathed his sword. He was in no way an expert in wand-weilding, but he did know how to use a sword.

Nico held his breath, then stepped out. He was right behind Tom. Nico stood up, just in time to hear two voices shout out into the night.

"Avada Kedevra!"


The spells collided in mid air, and a shimmering, golden light engulfed them both until the wands seemed to be connected by a golden thread, then it suddenly splintered and thousands of beams  shot around, crisscrossing in a webbed dome around the pair until they seemed to vanish in a golden light...

The death eaters were now shouting in confusion, meaningless words. He could see them readying their wands.

And he struck.

Nico knew he couldn't overcome them. Full grown wizards and witches, trained in the Dark Arts, and at full health. No, he couldn't defeat them alone.

The ground began to shake, and the Death Eaters finally noticed the shadowy figure behind them.

"You! Boy!" One of them turned their wand to Nico. "Stay right there!"

Nico sneered. "Unlikely." He lifted his hands and the graveyard exploded.

Cries of surprise rang through the graveyard as the skeletons attacked, chattering meaningless words as they grasped at the Death Eaters.

"Avada Kedevra!" Several voices rang out.

"Idiots!" A snarling voice came. "You can't kill the dead. Stupefy! Bombardum Maxima!"

Several skeletons went flying, desintigrating into dust. But they were in a graveyard, and the dead outnumbered the living.

Nico collapsed to his knees, nearly crying out again. His heart was pounding, which was good because that meant it still worked. He was nearly dead from exhaustion and pain. A bright blue light glimmered in front of him... the Triwizard cup...

Then suddenly, the golden dome sheilding Harry and Tom exploded-- Harry appeared, zigzagging between the headstones... Harry seized hold of Nico's robes and the cup...

Then the graveyard vanished in a whirl of wind and color, the last furious scream of the Dark Lord ringing in their ears.

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