23|| Piper

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Important note at end for ALL readers

Draco was a whole lot colder towards Piper after the Yule Ball. She noticed it almost immediately. When she sat down at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall the next morning, she only found a seat at the end of the table near the first years. Pansy sat in the seat that Draco usually saved for her. As soon as she entered for transfiguration, Draco stood up and moved across the room, sitting next to Pansy, who could not be more delighted.

"Jerks," Piper muttered as she sat down at an empty table next to Hazel and Hannah Abbott.

Hazel looked at her sympathetically. "Load of drama?"

"You have no idea," Piper grumbled as she slammed her wand down on the desk. The pale brown stick let off a series of electric blue sparks.

"McLean and Malfoy?" Hannah asked incredulously. "Since when?"

"Since never." Piper glanced over to where Draco was sitting next to Crabbe, focusing intently on the window. "We've never been a thing. Ever. Everrrrr." She stretched out the word. "I have a boyfriend."

"Who?" Hannah asked, looking around at all the Slytherin fourth years. "Is it Blaise? He's pretty cute."

Piper scrunched up her face. "Ew, no. Jason's way better."

"Jason Grace?" Hannah's jaw actually dropped open. "The hot Gryffindor?"

Piper didn't blink. "Yes. A Gryffindor." Her eyes narrowed. "Hot?"

Hannah whistled, avoiding the question. "I know some kids are rebellious, but damn."

"What do you mean hot?" Piper asked again.

Hazel laughed. "Ooh, someone's jealous," she teased. "No need to worry, Hannah's obsessed with Justin."

Hannah turned red. "I am not!"

"Miss McLean! Miss Levesque! Miss Abbott!" Professor McGonagall tapped her wand sharply on her desk. "If you would kindly stop transfiguring Miss Abbott's face into a tomato and would focus more on transfiguring your silverware into a quill, that would be lovely!"

They all bent awkwardly over their forks.


Piper packed up her parchment, slinging her gray and forest green bookbag over her shoulder.

"And one last reminder of the Hogsmeade weekend!" Professor McGonagall called out as the chatter started. Piper groaned. The Hogsmeade trip. Normally, she would go with Pansy and buy all the Honeydukes and Zonko's they could get their hands on, but Pansy was busy doting over Draco now that he was 'free'.

"He always was," Piper mumbled to herself.

"What was that?" Hazel asked.

"Nothing." Piper sighed. "Can I hang with you guys at Hogsmeade? Don't want to be alone at Three Broomsticks."

"Sure!" Hannah said immediately. "Just don't try to annoy Ernie so much... Last time you two spoke you were threatening him about Hazel."

Piper clasped a hand to her mouth. "That was two years ago!"

Hazel looked at them both curiously. "What?"

"In our second year," Hannah explained. "Right after the dueling club, when the classes were cancelled. We were in the library, and apparently so was Piper. Eavesdropper," she added under her breath.

Piper rolled her eyes. "You guys were going on about my friend," she defended. "Excuse me if I caught a few words."

"Anyways, Ernie had a crush on you then," Hannah continued. "He's done with it now, of course. All over Susan now..." she shook her head and waved. "Anyways, see you later, then!"

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