19|| Percy

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Here's for the last update I missed :) and be warned: this ones super long

Percy listened to Jason groan on and on about how he screwed it up with Piper and embarrassed himself in front of Fleur and how Piper was going to hate him and how he was going to look like an idiot alone because he refused to go with anyone else and--

"Jason!" Percy finally exclaimed. "Chill out for a second."

Jason ran his fingers through his hair. He seemed to be doing that a lot. "Easy for you to say," he grumbleded. "You've got Annabeth. There was no confusion between you guys."

Annabeth grinned, her fingers interlaced with Percy's. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "What can I say?" she said. "We get each other."

"See what I mean?" Jason threw his hands up in frustration. "At this point, it's just going to be me and Nico without partners."

"Actually," Nico interjected. "The champions are required to have a partner. I'm going with Thalia. As friends," he emphasized.

Jason pulled a pillow on his lap, slammed his face into it, and screamed.

Thalia waited patiently for her brother to stop screaming before picking up her own pillow and walloping him upside the head with it. "You are such a drama queen," she complained. "Just ask some girl and get it over with."

"I'm going to die all alone," Jason grumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow. "And I think I just broke my glasses."

"What's going on?" Harry, Ron, and Hermione just entered the room.

"Jason's being an idiot," Annabeth grumbled. "He doesn't have a date to the Yule Ball."

"What about Piper?" Ron asked, eyebrow twitching.

"Hades happened." Jason glanced up to reveal that his glasses were indeed broken. Hermione rolled her eyes. "Reparo," she muttered, and the lenses fixed themselves. "What is it with you boys and breaking your glasses?"

They ignored her.

"Do you all have partners yet?" Thalia asked the trio.

"No," Harry and Ron grumbled together. Hermione just shrugged, though her face grew flushed.

"What about you, 'Mione?" Annabeth asked.

"As a matter of fact," Hermione sad matter-of-factly, "Someone did ask me out."

"Who?" Ron asked. Hermione just lifted the corners of her mouth in a teasing smile.

"You'll see." She readjusted the books in her arms and strode up to bed.

Jason rolled onto his back, face buried in pillow once more. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

"So that's me and Percy," Annabeth ticked off her fingers. "And Frank and Hazel, Nico and Thalia, Hermione and the unknown partner--"

"Oh, you really believe that story about being asked already?" Ron asked, still staring after where Hermione had disappeared.

"Of course," Thalia said immediately. "Why is it so hard to believe for you?"

"And I don't know who Piper's going with," Annabeth continued. "I don't think it's Krum."

"Why not?" Jason asked, lifting his face from the pillow once more. "They seemed to be hitting it up by the lake." He dropped his head back on the pillow again. It was like the pillow had now taken the place of Piper and they were in some intense make out session.

"So then it's just Harry, Ron, and Jason alone." She glanced at Ron, who had taken up Jason's position of screaming in a pillow, and Harry, who was sprawled out in front of the fire dejectedly.

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