An Unexpected Company of Dwarves?

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Author's Note: ( Hello people of the interweb who may be reading this story. My name is Katie and this is my very first imagine, so here goes nothing, and I hope you enjoy. Please let me know if you enjoy it so I can know if I should write more)
P.S. - ( This particular story takes place during the time period that The Hobbit takes place, and will continue on. This part begins right as the company of Thorin Oakensheild arrive at Beorn's home.)

I could feel the the beating of my heart in my ears as I bounded through the forest as I was trying to escape the orc pack on my tail. I am much faster than their pack of wargs, but if they catch me they will kill me. After a few more minutes of running I outrun the wargs, and make it home safely. As I approach the front of our home I catch several odd scents, so I shift into my normal form and whip out my bow, ready to end anyone and anything that has encroached upon our land. I push open the door swiftly, and my eyes land upon quite on odd sight. Dwarves.... My father has never been fond of dwarves, but I do not have a problem with them. I look to my father who motions for me to put my bow away, so I do. I open my mouth to question the meaning of these dwarves in our home when I hear a familiar voice, " y/n, it is a delight to see you once again". I whip my head around to the sound of the voice and see Gandalf standing before me. "Gandalf!", I scream as I wrap him in a hug," It is so good to see you again old friend, what brings you and your friends here if I may be so bold to ask?" He releases me from the hug and steps back and says " This is the company of Thorin Oakensheild, and we are here seeking refuge from the orc pack that is hunting us." I take a moment to think about where I had heard that name before, I push my hair behind my ear revealing its pointed natureand I remember. As I open my mouth to question Gandalf about this so called company I hear a booming, strong voice say " What are you?, some sort of half breed?". I quickly whip around to face the person who uttered those words, stopping my father from harming the one who said them. I respond the the dwarve I assumed to be Thorin himself, "Yes, and no. My mother was a skilled elvish warrior, and my father is standing behind you. Does that answer your question dwarve prince, or do you wish to interrogate me furthur?" He takes a moment to ponder this and then looks up at me and says, "So, you are part elf, and part skin changer?". "Yes", I respond. The room then went silent, as if everyone was in awe, so I sat down at the table with the dwarves, and we all got acquainted, and I learned all of their names, including a hobbit named Bilbo. They told me about their quest as we ate dinner, and a brunette dwarf named Kili asked me if I wanted to join them. I looked at him in shock, and Thorin glared at him immensely and began to protest, " I will not have an elf in our company, even if she is only half elf!". Gandalf then stepped in and fought in my defense, " She has more strength, and wit than all of you combined and would be a vital asset to your quest Thorin, you would be a fool if you did not invite her to join!". Thorin then sat in silence for a moment, before nodding his head. I then looked up to my father to see something I did not expect. A look of complete fury. I got up and walked over to him, and put my hand on his shoulder and said, " Ada what is the matter, why do you look so angry?". He pulled me over to the corner of the house where we were out of  earshot from the dwarves, and he said," y/n, we are skin changers, do you know what people have done to our kind throughout history? They have tortured and killed off almost our entire race, it is just me and you and I will not risk loosing you so you can go on some quest!" His shouting caused some of the company to look over at us. "Ada, I know that. You have told me that my whole life, but I am capable and perfectly able to do this, you must let me go on this journey! I haven't gotten the chance to live my life, and this is my chance to go and see all of middle earth, and help the dwarves reclaim their home, please ada. Let me do this." I huffed out a breath adding emphasis to my plead, and my father looked at me, defeated. He then spoke, "You are so much like your mother, I could never win an argument with her either. You may go on this journey as long as you promise to return to me safely, you are all I have left.". I smiled and said, " Of course ada, I always do. Gi melin." After my father gave me his blessing in me going on this journey and gave the company supplies we set off. A wizard, a hybrid, a hobbit, and thirteen dwarves on a quest to reclaim a lost homeland.

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