The Day We Became Barrel Riders

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Author's Note: (Hello again people! I just wanted to leave a short note here to apologize for my grammar on the last part, I did not read through it carefully the first time. This part should have better grammar, enjoy!)

I stood up in my cell to meet the guard coming to escort me to the king. The moment the gate of the cell opened Fili tried to keep them from taking me, but they just shoved him aside and pulled me out. As they were taking me away I caught a final glimpse of Fili, and I shot him a smile of gratitude, thanking him for trying to defend me. We walked through the halls of Mirkwood, away from the prison cells and to Thranduil's throne room. I could help but look around at the beautiful kingdom, and stare in awe at the place where my mother was from, but at the same time I felt hatred for the king for banishing her from this beautiful home. We continued on through the maze of the beautiful palace until we finally reached the throne room. We walked up to a few feet in front on the king himself bowed to him and took a knee. I looked up at him, more importantly his eyes. They were the same eyes I had seen in Legolas, however there was no kindness in them, they were cold, and as I looked at him he looked right back at me and spoke, "My son tells me your name is y/n, and that you are a skin changer and an elf. This cannot be however; Elves do not procreate with mutts." My eyes widened at the offensive term, "mutt". "I am no mutt! I am hybrid! My mother was a skilled elvish warrior who you banished from your kingdom because she fell in love with my father!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. He stared right back into my fury filled eyes that were begging to shift to my blue wolf eyes from pure rage, yet his confidence did not waver once. He simply stood and spoke again, " I remember your mother well, she was the best in the guard as well as a trusted member of my kingdom. The lost of her was not one the kingdom took easily. I did not want to banish her, but falling in love with a skin changer was not allowed." I stared at him, shocked at his response. I did not know how to respond, so he spoke again, "You look like her you know, your mother. You have ever eyes." Then I realized that she was not just some loyal member of his kingdom, he fell in love with her in his youth and she did not share his affection, so he banished her. "Now that you have met the hybrid elven skin changer of middle earth, may I leave now. I wish to return to my cell." I spoke quickly, and kept my eyes fixated on the ground. He nodded his head and the guards escorted me back to my cell. When I returned the dwarves asked me what he wanted to talk to me about, mostly Thorin, so I told them to put their minds at ease, and I sat down. A few moment after I had sat down the dwarves began to talk amongst themselves, but I wasn't interested in what they had to say so I let my mind wander while looking up out of my cell. As I was looking up I saw Legolas walking down towards my cell, so I sat up straight and pretended like I didn't see him. He walked up to my cell and looked at me. His gaze sent shivers down my spine, but I kept myself composed. "What is it, prince?" I asked. "Please, do not call me prince." He retorted softly. "I came to ask you something that has been on my mind since you have arrived, What shape do you take when change?". He had a curious, yet knowing look on his face. I was beginning to respond when he spoke again, "Do you take the shape of a large white wolf?". I looked at him curiously. "Yes, but how could you possibly know that?" I said. "I have seen you before, in your wolf form. I was hunting on the East side of our borders, when I came across a wolf that was much larger than normal. It also had stunning blue eyes, so I knew it wasn't natural but I didn't think anything of it, until now." He said. "Yes, that was me. I don't remember seeing any elves there, but I do visit that part of the forest often." I said. He looked away, then back at me again like he was about to ask another question when two guards walked down and told him that the king wished to see him. He looked at me once more with those cerulean blue eyes, smiled and then left with the two guards. A few moments later the dwarves began talking again, but this time I decided to listen. "I wager the sun is on the rise, it must be nearly dawn." Bofur said. "We are never going to reach the mountain, are we?" Ori asked. A moment went by before anyone responded, until I heard a familiar voice say " Not stuck in here you're not.". "Bilbo?!" I said, sticking my head out of the gate. A few of the dwarves shouted and did the same, before Bilbo whisper-yelled "Shhh, there are guards nearby!". He came by and unlocked all of our cells and led us down into what looked like some sort of wine cellar. He told everyone to get inside of barrels, and I looked at him confused, " You want us to get inside these barrels? Even if I did I don't think I will fit." He looked at me for a moment and then said, " You don't really have any other choice, unless you want to fight your way out." I nodded my head and climbed in a barrel, the fit was snug because of my height, but I managed. Bilbo took off for a moment before coming back and handing me my weapons. "I remember asking Gandalf how you two knew each other and he told me he was a friend of your parents as well as you, and that when you came of age he enchanted the weapons that you carried and the clothes that you wore so they would shift with you when you take the shape of a wolf." He explained. "Thank you Bilbo, it really means a lot." I said as I flashed him a smile. He ran back a few meters and yanked a lever down quickly before the guards came, that sent us rolling down a ramp, and into the river below. As my barrel surface I gasped for breath after being under the water for a few moments, and wiped the water out of my eyes. I looked around at everyone in their barrels floating and bobbing down the river and couldn't help but smile, we had just escaped and became barrel riders at the same time. What could possibly go wrong? That's when I looked up ahead and saw the water gate was shut, the elven guard running after us, and faintly heard the distinct sound of an orc horn in the distance. Everything definitely just went wrong.

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