Back Into the Barrels

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Author's Note:( Hello middle earthlings, I just wanted to thank you for your support, I love all of the feed back! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this part!)

After all of the dwarves and Bilbo got over the shock of seeing me shift, their attention was on Kili. Until a few moments later when I turned around to see a man pointing an arrow at Ori. When Dwalin noticed this he jumped in front of him with a stick to defend him, but the man just got an arrow at him, piercing the stick. Kili then tried to throw a rock, but the man shot that out of his hand as well. Balin stepped forth to negotiate with the man who we later learned answered to the name Bard. He took the barrels upon his barge and then us. He did not question us much, about how we came by these barrels only that he knew they came from the Woodland realm, and that he did not care what business we had with the elves. As we sat on the boat drifting across the lake, the dwarves were bickering amongst themselves as to how they were going to pay the bargeman. I leaned over the edge of the boat and softly ran my fingers over the top of the water thinking of the blue eyed elf I had been ever so infatuated with. I stopped myself almost as quickly as I began thinking of him. I could not afford to fall in love, I am dangerous if I loose my temper. I cannot fall in love, not that an elf of his stature could love some "halfbreed" "mutt" like me.  I glanced up from the water quickly, keeping the tears at bay, however Fili and Kili must have noticed this because both of them came over and sat next to me. Kili just sat at leaned his head on my shoulder, but Fili spoke, and said "Why is that you look so sad and forlorn y/n?" I glanced up at him and he wiped a tear from my eye. "It is that elf prince that troubles your mind isn't it?" He said. I looked away from him, disappointed that my face could be so easily read, and nodded my head. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me, and I shut my eyes, knowing I was in the company of true friends. I heard Bard say something, so I stood up out of the embrace of my friends to listen to him. He told us to get inside the barrels once more. I huffed, begrudgingly, got back into my barrel and tucked my head in. I heard Bard whispering, but couldn't quite make out what he was saying. I peeked through a hole in my barrel to see, and all I saw was him talking to a man and pointing to us. For a moment I gasped thinking he sold us out until I smelt something that I couldn't  quite place my finger on until it was dumped on top of our heads, fish. It wasn't very enjoyable, but it was very clever of Bard to conceal us. We floated for a minute until the boat jerked to a stop and I heard some talking and arguing before I felt my barrel being dumped over the side. I was about to panic when Bard told the men to stop, and my barrel was set down. I sighed a sigh of relief as we pushed on and were brought into the maze of the Laketown canals and into Bard's home. As we came inside I sat down next to Bard's daughters who began talking to one another about me, which I didn't mind. I then shifted over to them when the older girl asked me my name. "My name is y/n, and who might you two be?" I said. " I am Sigrid and this is my little sister Tilda." She said. "Ma govannen Tilda and Sigrid." I said. Tilda tilted her head and looked at me funny. "What does that mean?" She said. I giggled and said " It means well met, like nice to meet you in Sindarin, which is the language of the elves." This time Sigrid looked at me funny and said "So you are an elf then?" "Yes, I am part elf, and part skin changer, which means I take the shape of an animal at my will." I said. "Wow!" Said Tilda, "That's awesome!" I smiled and turned away from the girls shifting my gaze to the argument that was happening. The dwarves were angry at Bard for not providing good quality weapons and they were bickering about it. I once again tuned them out, not in the mood to try and calm everyone down. I let my mind wander to different things here and there. I thought about my father, and how much I missed him. I thought about Legolas and how we could never be. I thought about the journey we have been on so far and how amazing it has been. I thought about my new found friendship in Fili and Kili. I was then ripped from my thoughts when I heard Bard say that he would be right back and the door slammed. A few more moment of bickering passed and the dwarves stood, ready to head out to the armory for some real weapons. Fili walked over and asked me if I was ready to go, but I just said, "I would much rather stay here with the children until you return. My feelings about this quest for weapons is torn." I then looked to the children and said, "Would you mind if I stayed here with you and kept you company?" Bard's son Bain was the first to respond to this, by saying, "You must all stay here, until Da comes back." The dwarves paid no attention to him and left anyways, but I remained to talks to the girls for a while. We talked for what seemed like forever until Bard came in and asked where the dwarves had gone, and how long they had been gone for. That is when I heard townspeople shouting angrily, so I ran out to the commotion a few moments behind Bard to see what was going on and by the time I got there, they crowd was cheering for the king under the mountain.

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