Flames of Ruin

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(Hey guys! I'm so so sorry I have been taking so dang long for this part! I haven't been feeling very motivated to write recently, now that I have gotten some free time. But I just recently rewatched The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies and my love for Legolas has been resparked. So with out further delay, here is the next part .)( Also sorry that I am trash.)
•••P.S— Leave me a comment letting me know what you thought, and if you guys want my to follow the story as is or let y/n save some lives!•••

I slowly walked back to Bard's home, still feeling as though I was in a day dream after sharing that kiss with Legolas. I kept a slow pace until I heard Tauriel's voice repeating what sounded like a healing spell. I quickly sprinted up the stairs to see Tauriel holding some type of plant to Kili's leg and saying the words over and over. I couldn't help but smile at the way Kili was staring at her as if she was an angel. He was saying something to her, that I couldn't quite hear, but when I saw them touch fingertips, I knew. I stood there for a moment awkwardly, adjusting to bow and quiver when I heard it. I sound like thunder, only much louder, then a roar ripped through the air, piercing my eardrums. I looked to Tauriel, and she had the same fear in her eyes as I felt in mine. " We must go, now!" I said. We packed up everything and everyone we needed as quickly as possible and headed for the closest boat possible, trying to get out before the Dragon arrived. We were paddling for a moment, before Smaug arrived. He scorched the town with his fire, burning everything in his path, and crushing the rest with his enormous body. All that I could hear were the screams an cries of the people of Laketown. I wanted nothing more than to help them, but there was nothing I could do. We paddled through the wreckage, until we saw Bard atop one of the houses that was on fire, trying to make his way to the bell tower. Bain saw his father, and immediately jumped out of the boat to run to his aid. I reached out to grab him and pull him back into the boat, but Tauriel grabbed my arm and pushed it back to my side. " No, we don't have the time to spare, we must leave him." She said. I looked over to see him running off in the distance, I hope he will be okay I thought to myself. We kept paddling for shore until we finally got there. We all got out of the boat just in time to see that the dragon had been shot by Bard and was dead. Everyone who could cheer did, and those who couldn't wailed in pain. I looked around at all of the pain, and death that these people had suffered. They had lost everything, I had never seen such tragedy in all my years... before I knew it my eyes were spilling over with tears at the sight of these people. I felt Fili walk up next to me and touch my leg. I looked over to him, and he had his arms held out wide waiting to engulf me in a hug, which I absolutely accepted. Once he released me I stood up, wiped my eyes and looked around once more. I walked off away from my friends to help the people in anyways I could. I took a few steps before realizing Sigrid and Tilda were following me. I smile and slowed up so they could catch up to me. I walked through the center of the crowd of people, Sigrid and Tilda on either side of me, passing out blankets and patching up the wounded when I heard Bard calling out to Sigrid and Tilda. I stood up and walked them over to their father, and smiled watching them great one another in a warm embrace... and I couldn't help but think about how much I missed my Ada as well. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Bard engulfing me in a massive hug. I was shocked at first but I hugged back. "Thank you so much, my lady. For keeping my children safe." He said. I smiled warmed and nodded, "Of course, it was my pleasure." He turned back to hug his children once more and I walked back over to the boat by Kili and Tauriel. I noticed they were having a moment so I stepped back next to Fili and hopped in the boat. I noticed Legolas riding up and I smiled at him, but he seemed to ignore me. I looked away quickly pretending that I don't see him. He spoke to Tauriel, and told her that they must go. I waved her goodbye and they rode off, and not once did Legolas meet my eye. I tried to shake it off as nothing, but why would he like me anyway. Yea we kissed, but did I think to much of it? Did he truly only kiss me so that I wouldn't shift? I stared at the water before I snapped myself out of my trance, there was no time to think about this. I sense something bad is about to happen, for there is a foul scent in the air. I picked up a paddle and joined the rest of the dwarves in paddling our way to the lonely mountain. Once we arrived we walked up into the kingdom, and it immediately took my breath away. I had never seen anything like it before. It was incredible. Not just the massive amounts of gold and jewels, but the sheer craftsmanship of the structure itself was incredible. We walked up to the gate, where we were created by the rest of the dwarves and Bilbo. I quickly gave Bilbo a hug, for I was great full that he was still alive after facing the fierce firedrake. We stood inside the beautiful kingdom, when I caught a glimpse of Thorin. At first I thought nothing it, but when I saw it again I was concerned. There was thins wild look in his eye, almost unnatural. He looked at his hoarse with and unwavering stare, that was quite unsettling. I knew something was off, I turned around to walk away when I heard Thorin's booming voice, "Find it!!! No one sleeps until it is found!!!!" I whipped around and looked at him for a moment, unsure, before walking down the stairs to begin searching. I would do anything to aid Thorin in reclaiming his birthright, but the way he was behaving.... it concerned me more than scared me... what was happening to my friend?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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