Becoming close!

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After jake showed the boys the house and introduced everyone. It was time for dinner

Chances pov
This place is lit jake! IKR bro jake said as we both walked into the kitchen to sit down and eat. Erika had made a salad and lasagna for everyone. Tessa came down the stairs in her gym clothes but dam she looked good, she sat down right by me i started to feel tight inside. Did i really like her? Or was i just overeating? Oh hi Tessa.
Hi chance, so how do you like the hou- Tessa got cut off by the sound of a taser behind her.

Tessa pov
I was having a nice conversation until i heard the sound of a taser behind me. I quickly junped up flinging the chair behind, i hit jake in the knees making him trip. CHANCE GRAB HER he yelled as i ran towards the front door. I suddenly felt arms around me, They were warm and fit, i looked up and saw chance he smiled and then picked me up bringing me to jake. I struggled to escape his arms. I was transferred to jakes arms his were also warm and fit. I was going crazy i started fwaling my arms and legs and then it was black. I was just dropped. I passed out for at least 10 minutes. I finally woke up with face looking down on me me. Tessa, Tessa, Tessa are you awake chance was saying as I opened my eyes.
What happened i said confused
Umm ya jake dropped you on the stairs and you fell down the stairs.
Really? I said concerned
Ya.. chance said scratching the back of his neck
Wow, kinda glad i passed out i said letting out a quiet laugh.

Chance pov
I felt bad for Tessa, but at the same tie it was kinda funny, but when i had her in my arms i felt like she was mine and i didn't have to let go. I think i like Tessa. She finally woke up not knowing what happened. I talked to her for a minute to make sure she was good. I walked upstairs into me and Anthony's room and put on some basketball shorts and and a white t shirt. I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and saw Tessa walk by, i hurried and finished so i could check on her one last time. I knocked on her just incase. She opened the and smiled
Whats up? said Tessa
I was just checking on you one more time before you went to sleep
Oh thanks i think I'm good.
Ok ill talk to you in the morning
Night chance
Night Tessa, i smiled to myself as i walked to my room.

Does chance like tessa? Will something happen with them or will jake get to tessa first. Stay tuned for more

Guys huge thanks to everyone i got 39 reads so fast! I will surely be writing more!

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