Do i like chance?

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Tessa pov
I woke at 6:30 before anyone else today. I went downstairs and made some pancakes for everyone for when they woke up.
The first one up was jake
He walke by me giving a look as if he saw me do something bad
Is there something wrong? I said
Maybe, maybe not he said
Jake dont do that i said irritated
Ok ok. I saw you and chance he said disappointed
What do you mean yo saw us.
Last night after you woke back up he was looking over you and then i you and him acting lovely.
Jake are you jealous? I said jokingly.
No im just saying you just met him.
Jake. Do you need to tell me something
Jake stared at me for a minute, he sighed and looked at his shoes
Ya, ya i do Tessa.
Tessa i like you a lot!
Really? I said surprised
I mean jake i-- Tessa was cut off by a stumbling sound from the stairs
Me and jake went stiff hoping who ever it was didn't hear us.
It was chance. He came into the kitchen and said hi to both us. Me and jake looked at eachother with concerned faces.
I gonna go get a smoothie. I said i had to get out of there.

Chance pov
I heard jake talking to Tessa and i heard him say he liked her too.
I played it off cause i didn't want to show that i felt jealous/disappointed that Tessa could like him back. After i heard them talking i realized i did like Tessa and that jake saying that made me jealous. I made s noise on the stairs to freak em out and i it worked i could tell. Tessa left to get a juice and i didn't know if i should say anything to jake so, i grabbed some pancakes and back upsatirs.

4 hours later
Tessa pov
Its was 8:30 we had already aten dinner. The whole house decided to ho out for a walk in the park. We were going to the park i got a knife pulled on me at but it was cool. I threw on a jake Paul hoodie and black leggings and meet everyone downstairs. We entered the park area it was pitch black outside so we turned on our phone lights. I was standing besides chance but i was closest to the bushes and grass. We all suddenly stopped hearing something making noises from the bush ahead. Jake walked up to the bush and said the coast was clear so, we walked by the bushes and as i walked by Tristan jumped out from behind the bush scaring all of us except jake. I jumped a mile, accidentally ramming into chance. He caught me, for that split second i felt safe in his arm it felt right I didn't want it to end but, he pushed me back up to my feet and we kept walking. We finished our walk and made back to the house.
I went upstairs and put on pajamas, after I finished changing i got a knock on my room door , it was chance
Hi, do you need something? I replied
Uh no. I was just wondering if you wanting to come watch movie with me and erika.
Oh ya sure! I said
Ok but the movie is scary chance said
Fine i said giving him eyes
We were half way through the movie and a jump scare came on the screen.
I got scared so bad I practically jumped in chances lap. Chance laughed at me and smiled
I sighed and moved back to my part of the couch but my arm stayed on his arm. After a minute out fingers intertwined, we both looked at each other and smiled like it was a normal thing. The movie and ended, i said goodnight to Erika and started walking up the stairs, chance caught up with and put his arms around me really fast and said goodnight. I blushed because it felt right having his arms around me. I replied goodnight and we went our separate ways.

Hey guys thanks sooooo much for reading I already have 130 sorry for a later update but this is really long!! Im trying to drag some stuff out so i can make more chapters!! I hope you are enjoying it and not thinking its boring!! I'll probley do jessa stuff next part cause i did chessa sruffi in this one. Again thanks so much!!!❤❤

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