Back on track😄

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Jake pov
I know what im doing is terrible for tessa, chance and myself.
But i dont know what to do. I love tessa but she has my bestfriend. I had to talk to her the right way. I made my way to the kitchen and there she was making her usual egg whites.
Tessa? I said softly
Jake what do you want nows not the time
Please tessa i want to talk to you
Talk to me about what jake how your going to steal me away and leave your best friend in the dirt.
No tessa. I want to explain and show im not a bad person.
Fine, but if try anything i swear..
Ok just trust me tessa. Sit down
Okay now explain.
Tessa i know that I look like a terrible person right now and you see me as a jealous freak and i know what im did or am doing is terrible i have to admit i wanted to hit chance so hard yesterday but i contained. Tessa i love and not just love as in bf/gf love i love who you are tessa and i always will even if that means your with chance. 
Tessa just stared at me after i finished i had no clue what she was thinking or what she was going to do, i felt worried i had said something wrong
Tessa pov
Oh my gosh. I didn't know what to do, he had just apologized and it was perfect. I felt soft and warm inside knowing he knew what he did wrong and what was happening. He looked frightened i knew what he was thinking so i stood up and walked closer to him i pulled him in for a big  hug and didn't let go, "thank you" i whispered to him he looked at me and smiled "no thank you" he replied i squeezed him one more time and let go. I walked back to the stove to finish my eggs.
Jake pov
She stared at me for a solid 5 minutes it felt like. She finally stood up and grabbed me in a hug she didn't let go and neither did i. She whispered thank you and i thanked her back. We let go and she continued making her eggs
Chance pov
I woke up late it was weird cause jake usually wakes us up. I got and went down stairs i was stopped by anthony
Whats up bro i said
Nothing, you wanna go get some lunch at a diner
Ya sure just us two?
Ya man i havent gotten time with you since you got with tessa.
Okie. When are we going
Uh now.
Oh ok can you like 5 minutes
Sure see you in 5 minutes
I made my way to kitchen to see Tessa eating her egg white
Hye tess! I said cheerfly
Heyo she replied
So what are you doing today i said looking into her eyes
Really nothing. She said
Ok do you want to go for dinner later this evening
Ok ill come knock on your bedroom door at 7:30
Aww thank you! I love you chance
Love you to Tess
Hey tony lets go!! I yelled towards his directions
I walked  out the door with tony. We walked a couple blocks and found the diner. We sat a booth and order our drinks
Okay okay there i reason i asked to go meer with me.
Oh gosh, what did you do i replied
Nothing , i was going to say that i like Erika
WAIT REALLY! I couldn't say without smiling
We walked about why he liked her and how he was going to tell her and i got back to the house
HEY chance!! A very distinctive voice said
HEY Tessa!! I said cause i knew it was her
So where you taking me tonight!?
Not telling! Its a suprise
Awww man. I tried
A few hours later
Tessa pov
There was only 2 minutes until chance came to "pick me up" i had on nice dress and heels and made my hair wavy.
I heard a knock at my bedroom door
I opened the door to see chance, he was so handsome
Why hello madam he said
Why hello sir i replied
Are you ready!? He asked
Yep lets go!
He laughed we linked arms and made iur way to the car.
It felt like we were driving forever but we finally made to the place
Here we are
Oh my gosh! The Cheesecake Factory!!!! I screamed
Me and chance started dying of laughter
Finally we got out of the car and went inside
We sat at a nice dimly light booth it was one the most romantic thing!
Me and chance ordered our food and we talk we talk about so many things our food finally came and man it looked i got fettuccini Alfredo while we were eating i looked up at chance he looked off he looked nervous very nervous
Chance pov
Me and Tessa finally came to the table i took the first bite i looked up to ask Tessa how it was but i stopped my eyes saw someone...
Oh s**t Oh no no no. I froze my mind went blank how was she here....

Omg guys! It been so long here an explanation i got logged out of my account for awhile and in that time since i wasn't writing i kinda lost interest but i am going to try to get back on writing
And i think im going to change this story to just chessa because they are actually dating now so ya hope you guys will like it

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