I dont even know.

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Chance pov
I woke up in with tessa next to me
It felt amazing to be her boyfriend but i was nervous for when we told the house especially jake cause of what i heard. What if he kicks me out or ruins our years of friendship or tessa like him and leaves. I dont know im just over thinking
Tess you awake?
Mmmm what she groaned as she woke up
Im gonna go downstairs and see who's awake, i looked at my phone and it was 10:30
I made it down the stairs to see only Erika cleaningz the kitchen
Hey erika
Hey, do you need something?
No, well yes actually i wanted to tell you this first before anyone
Ok go ahead.
Uh so me and Tess are dating.
REALLY FOR REAL! she yelled at the too of her lungs
Yea! So your not mad
No i knew this would happen so it all good! She said with a huge smile across her face.
Ok great but theres a problem. I said a bit irritated
What, what is it! She lost her huge smile
I don't know what to do about jake
What do you mean??
Well a few days ago i heard jake say he liked Tessa a lot, and i don't know if Tessa likes him and me or what i just don't know what to do.
I suddenly felt tense someone was standing behind and they didn't seem happy from the vibes i was getting
I slowly turned around to see jake just staring at me. I scratched the back of my head how much did you hear? I said
He didn't answer for a second so im pretty sure he heard it all
I looked to my right to see tessa coming down the stairs. Oh great i thought were all screwed i thought
Hey guys! Tessa said in a cheery mood
Hey tess i said
Jake didn't take his eyes off me I started to feel a little scared was he going to swing on me?
Tessa got into the kitchen and then realized what was going on
Tessa pov
Chance had gone downstairs for some reason i couldn't remember.
A bit had past so i got up and went downstairs to see what was up
Hey guys! I let out real loud and happy
Hey Tess chance replied. I saw jake and rik in the kitchen too.....
oh no! I screamed inside my mind
I stopped walking towards the kitchen and stood there in fear
Jake was starring at chance so intensly.
I didnt know what was going to happen and i didn't want to know. I didnt speak and i turned around and ran out of the house i as i ran out i heard someone say tessa wait but i didnt stop i ran i didnt know where i going i chose flight in the fight or flight situation. I stop outside at a cafe 15 blocks down i felt like i was going to throw up. I started feeling heat behind my eyes i felt tears start rolling on my face, i leaned against the wall and sat down i put my head in my hands and just cried i didnt really know what i was crying about maybe about chance or jake or all of our friendships i didnt know.
I must have cried of feel asleep for hours cause it was dark. I got a up and started walking home
I was just thinking about everything but then i thought did not come looking for me? How great now they dont care
I finally made it to our neighborhood it was quiet and peaceful for some reason its was odd.
I walked up to the door regretting everything
I quietly it was dark in the house
No ones here! I screamed and turn on some lights. I walked through everydoor in the house and no one and i mean no one was here.
I called rik
TESSA! she screamed into the phone
Calm down im back at the house. i said calmly
I kinda felt bad of accusing them for not lookibg but it wasn't like i was running for days i only ran maybe 15 minutes but oh well at least they tried
20 minutes past and they pulled up
I couldn't believe they all rode together i could imagine them fighting o where to look for me.
Chance pov
After tessa ran i didnt know what to do i told erika to come and of course jake followed we got into the car and went looking we looked everywhere for at least an hour a few minutes later erika got a call
Thank god it was tessa
Erika was screaming into the phone i think i went dead a little. Tessa was safe and at the house. I wanted her in my arms so bad i was so scared. Jake didnt speak the whole ride around town.
We made it back to the house, i ran into the house and Tessa was sitting on the couch wrapped in blankets
Tessa! I jumped on the couch and held her she put her arms around me too and we just sat there
Tessa, why did you run away
I dont even know chance i just was scared and i dont know what of
No no not like that, i just feel like im ruining everything
What are ruining!? I looked in Tessa's eyes her eyes were big.
I dont even know chance. She pit her face into my chest and she fell asleep. I changed the position i was sitting to get comfy. I looked over and saw jake walking up the stairs he looked defeated and worn i felt bad for him cause our friendship was declining but if he got Tessa i don't know what i would do.
I leaned m heas back and ended up falling asleep.

Thanks you guys for so much support and comments. I amd so close to 1,000 reads overall. I never thought that many ppl would read it. If hou have voted/added this book/ or commented. Thanks so muchhhhhhhh. Hope you like this chapter i have some heated ideas for this story.

P.S what do y'all think about chance and Anthony on team 10 now. I am sooo happy they signed them on.

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