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Tessa pov
It was 10 am its been awhile since i kinda slept in but i wondered why chance didn't wake me up. I got out of bed to see who was home, i went in the office there was no one in there i went through the house to see everyone in the back yard.
Hey guys what going on?
Oh hey Tess we are just messing with stuff
Well ok do you know where Erika is
No chance quickly replied and walked back to what he was doing with jake
I gelt like someone just punched me i dont know why we was being so weird
Oh well i went back up to my room i fell onto the bed I just stared at the ceiling for mawhile i finally got up and put on some clean clothes and went to get a juice and some food.
After i got my food it was 6 pm so much of the day had gone by i made it back home and Erika was in the kitchen
Hey hey E
Oh Hey hey T
So what did you do today E?
Nothing to entertaining
sounds like we had the same kind of day i laughed
Hey T
I was going to ask if something happened with you and chance he was acting weird today
He was acting weird this morning i don't know why I think i will go talk to him
Good idea Erika replied.
I went upstairs into my room where chance was laying down
Can I talk to you for a sec
Why i have a headache
No you don't chance! Now look at me
Ok ok
What is up with you after you told me that story you've just been weird
No i haven't
CHANCE dont play dumb with me what is your problem!!
I-I just feel like i scared you or made you uncomfortable
No no no chance you have it all wrong. I was scared for cause i dont want that girl to find you... I love you chance and dont want to see you hurt like you were
Tessa I love-
Before chance could finish his sentence we could hear the front door sing open and things being hit and thrown against the wall...

Ok guys i hope you are enjoying this story I am so glad I am able to write again.. but this will be the last chapter for a full week Sunday to Sunday because I am going to a youth camp on Sunday. When i get back i will writing the next chapter so don't think I'm not writing anymore so sorry but ill surely be thinking of idea and all that
Hope you enjoy this chapter! 😁😁

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