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Tessa pov
He kept saying oh no and oh s**t under his breath over and over. I turned around to see what he was looking at but before i saw anything chance grabbed my arm
Hey uh Tess we really gotta pay right now and got to the car like right now
Uhh ok chance whats going on
I tell you in a sec just plz trust me
5 minutes later we finally got out of the restaurant chance looked he was going to pass out
CHANCE i yelled to snap him out of some trance he was in. I looked at his eyes and i could the hot heat starting to show in his eyes chance...please talk to me right now
Fine he replied putting his face for a second
Chance pov
Tessa I dont want to speak until im done talking ok
Ok I promise
It was in Ohio, winter of 2015. SHE was my girlfriend that turned into my worst nightmare
  Tessa: chance... yo-
No Tess i have to tell you now
It was December 5th we were out kinda Christmas shopping for friends and family she was always jealous even if were alone in a room  she always had something to say but anyways we were in a store and i was talking to the store employee if they had a certain type of candle that i was going to get for she for Christmas but when she saw me asking she always thought the worst she starting pouting and just became this 5yr old child in a candle store I ask her to stop but she just saying things like "am i not good enough for you" and she scared the employee so much the girl tan to the back crying I practically dragged she out of the store. After that night she showed up at my door step she was off she was different she came inside and looked at me she looked at me like she was about to rip off my face. I knew something was going on she started crying and and screaming inaudible words I started slapping me and hitting me I held her she just got mad she finally pull-pulled out a gu-gu-gun
*i felt myself shutting done but i had to get it out*
After she pulled it out all I remember next was me falling my head and ear in bad pain it felt like i was out for days but eventually i woke up in the hospital with my parents crying because i was awake. Later i found out what happened when she pulled out the gun she didn't shoot yet she hit me in the forehead with the end of the gun and when I backed up i tripped falling back and hitting my head on a glass vase and she tried to shoot me but missed where she was aiming and grazed my ear but i neve knew why she went in this denial state and after we got a restraining order and plus since I moved to LA i though i would never see her again but I guess i was wrong.
Tessa pov
Chance I...
I was crying I didn't even know what to say to chance
I just looked into his puffy eyes What felt like forever
I plunged into his arms and cried for him as he tried to hold back tears. Chance lets go home and just sleep.
Chance: thank you Tessa i don't think i could ever tell that story again. I love you Tessa and your the one person i need most right now

Well chance you already have me we got in the car and made out way home we entered quietly cause it was late, we went upstairs and changed in pajamas and got into bee together tonight was different though I had seen a parallel version of chance I know knew what was holding him back I know knew chance Sutton wasn't just a rough an tough Ohio boy he had a broken side a real bad broken side.

Heyo everyone this chapter was kind of a experiment chapter so tell me what you think! Thanks❤😁

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