First date

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Mikyung POV

     " let's have a date, shall we ? "

     I was surprised to hear the words and even more surprising when he pull my hand and ran to the nearest park. Out of blue, I was in shock.

Do Kyungsoo, what's are you doing right now ?

     I look at him who was holding my hand. He's looked different from past. Someone who silent, looking cool and be the popular person that I know before and now it's completely changed.

    In addition, he looks more handsome now.

     I smiles a bit when traveling his back. His black hairs already grow and even his shoulder and back becomes big.

      " are you doing any work out lately ? "  I asked Kyungsoo.

        " not yet. Why ? " he returning a question to me.

     " Your back.. It's big " I said.

   " do you want me to piggyback you ? "

Like a flash from a camera, my cheeks becoming red.

              He stopped his move and fortunately I didn't bump at him.

        " do you want a piggyback? " he turns at me with his beautiful heart smile.

     I couldn't hide the red cheeks at my face anymore. So I shook my head to left and right. Deep inside of my heart, I do want the piggyback but still we just a friend.

         " ah.. Alright " he said and look in front again. A minutes later, I could hear his sigh. Even it's a little sighed but I still could hear it.

He always want to piggyback me ?

       " we should go now .. " I said, trying to hide the sudden heart beats from my heart. He nodding and we walked to the park, still in holding hand.

       I could feels his nice warming hand when my palm touch him. It's a nice feeling that ever imagined in my life. His soft hand tingle with my hand and his wrist meet up with mine. Surely, I don't want to let go this hand. It's make my heart more beating and I really love it.

       I could smell Kyungsoo 's cologne from his sweater. A strong masculine aromas that makes my head full with him. His scent even make me going deeper and deeper in my heart. All of the worries, my mom's warns completely vanished from my head.

       " Mikyung.. Let's walk around the park " he said, waking me up from my daydreams. We then reached at the park.

      " don't let go our hand. " he said in sudden. He doesn't want me to let go our hand too ?

     " Al--alright " I stuttered, answering him. He then look at me and smiles again. Then we continued our walk to the garden.

     " it's already spring.. " he said, breaking up the silent conversation. I nodded and realize that the flowers already bloom.

        " do you know, some of the flower resembles a feeling. " he then bowed his body and pick up some flower.

      " this is white camellia.. Its means waiting " he give it to me. Then he pick up a leaves that's have four clover.

     " this is four-leaf clover. It's means lucky. Why do I say it's was lucky ? Because it's hard to find the four one in a row of clover. You only could find the three-leaf clover only. " Kyungsoo tells. I smiles and nods.

     " and even its resembles my feeling to you.. " he said while looking at me.

       " I'm lucky to meet you " he nods. Our eyes meets and he slowly turns around. Seriously, my heart now was burning with his word.

It isn't a pickup line right ?

     " let's continue our walk " he said and pull back my hand. I was shocked a little bit but still following him. Then, we reached at one of small stall.

      " ice-cream!  "  in excitement he shouts. He even pull my hand harder and we ran to the ice-cream stall. I could see a lot of kid at there, waiting for their ice-cream.

     " it's a lot of kids " he sighed and then pouts his mouth.

Oh my.. His pouts is cute!

       " patient.. " I said and we started to queue up the line. There's a two kids in front of us when we queuing.

      " I do want chocolate ! "

      " I want vanilla! "

       " I don't like vanilla! Change it "

       " still I want vanilla "

    The two kids fought in front of them. I couldn't hide a smile when two of them couldn't decide the flavour.

What a cute kids.

       " kids.. Why don't you combine the flavour that you like ? " Kyungsoo said. The kids then turns at him and frowned.

      " combine ? " they asked in a cute voice.

    " yeah.. Why don't you combine the flavour ? " Kyungsoo ask with smile.

        " we only could buy one cone of ice-cream. We didn't have any money left " one of the kid told. The kid next to him also nods.

     " it's all right.. Oppa will buy you the ice-cream " told Kyungsoo. I looked at him in surprise. Kyungsoo wanted to treat the kids.

        " Mister.. Would you give me one cone of vanilla, one cone of chocolate, one cone of cookies and cream and Mikyung what do you want ? " he turns his head at me.

     " same as  you.. " I said.

Kyungsoo then nods.

      " all right.. Two cone of cookies and cream then " told Kyungsoo. The ice-cream seller nods and put the ice-cream in each cone. Once he done, Kyungsoo paid the money and take the ice-cream from the seller.

       " here you're ..kid.. " in a sincere smile, he give the ice-cream to the kids. As happy as a king, the kid shouts in excitement and smile brightly.

      " thank you oppa ! "

      "  thank you hyung! "

     Both of them smiles and bowed in front of them. They even kissed Kyungsoo's cheeks before they gone.

      " you're a nice person.. " I praise him. He smiled and give the ice-cream to me.

      " I really love kids and I don't want them to fight just because of ice-cream because I ever fought with my brother because of ice-cream " he said and licked the ice-cream.

       " really ? " in shocked, I ask.

     " yes.. Hyung doesn't want to talk with me until I give her another ice-cream " he smile, reminiscing his memory.

        " you're cute " I laughs. Kyungsoo also laughed and shook.

     " but you still more cute that me "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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