End 3

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Lmao I forgot half of the stuff I've written so far


Than awoke before Headley, hardly remembering anything after what he said about the night. The room he was in was a hospital of course, but it seemed so bizarre to be there. He'd never believed that he'd ever have a reason to be there. His thinking, however, was cut off by a nurse walking in, then, seeing that he was awake, walked briskly back out. Shortly after she left, a tall doctor came in, greeting him with warm smile.

"How are you feeling..." he glanced down at his clipboard then back up at Than. "Stanley."

"Than." He corrected. "And obviously not well. I am in the hospital sir."

"Ah yes. Can you describe what you were feeling to me? We couldn't quite trace anything in your system while you were out, other than a little bit of alcohol. You didn't get alcohol poisoning, right?"

"No of course not. I'd had probably close to two drinks. Nothing major. But I was in this coffee shop with this chick, and all of a sudden I get this memory, and my head feels like it had just burst into flames. It was excruciating."

"Hm. A memory? That doesn't seem like something for a matter of a doctor, but of a therapist." He wasn't too touchy of a guy, now that Than really thought about it. He was a little bit of a douche, hadn't even introduced himself. "But we could prescribe you some headache medicine."

"If you have to, don't make it too strong, I don't know if it'll be a reoccurring thing." The way than said it, it made it seem like he knew more about medicine than the doctor.

The doctor hesitated and then nodded. "Right, of course." He scribbled down some notes on his stupid clipboard, and smiled.

The nurse popped her head back into the room. "Sorry to interrupt doctor, but your other patient has just awoken as well."

"Ah, yes, I was just finishing up over here. Thanks Lori." He said, and flashed another white toothy grin then turned back to Than. "So, I'll get you a prescription for those headache medications, and only take them when your head is bothering you, nothing else. And I'll have you checked out in a couple of hours."

"Alright, thanks, doc." Before the doctor could leave, Than asked one more question. "Hey, ah, what ever happened to the girl I was found with. Headley was the name." He said, trying not to sound too interested, but he was in fact, very interested.

The doctor smiled again. "I was just about to go see her."

"Can you tell her that I'd like to speak to her?"

"You can go visit her yourself after you get checked out. She might take some more time." With that the doctor walked out of the door without further explanation.

Meanwhile, in Headley's room, she was just starting to come out of her daze, but everything still seemed fuzzy to her. "What the hell happened?" She demanded from the nurse.

"That's something for the doctor to address." The nurse answered, as she was checking Headley's vitals.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" The nurse didn't answer, and left the room as the doctor came in, flashing Headley his famous white smile.

"How are you doing there sweetie?" He asked, trying to be nice.

"I would like to kindly ask what the hell happened to me, since no one around here seems to have any answers!" She said, staring right at what she thought to be the man, but her vision was blurred and it turned out to be the door she was looking at.

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