End 4

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They left the apartment, leaving nearly full bowls of food and the old calendar behind. She ran excitedly up three flights of stairs with surprising speed. Than almost had trouble keeping up keeping up with her enthusiastic pace.

Finally they reached the roof and a surprising, yet comforting scene greeted them. There was a small patch of just roof, then a thin path leading down the middle to the other side of the roof. On both sides were tightly packed dirt covered with grass. Littered throughout the grass were various flowers. They were in clumps and mostly defined groups. Some were lavender, some were daisies, and there was one lone rose bush still in the pot. In between these groupings were stones laid out in fragmented paths around them. And one stone bench stood on the far right, overlooking the whole things

Than stood in silent amazement. "Wow, Headley, this is amazing."

She nodded. "I know. I'm quite proud of it, it's a nice escape. Only the landlord and two of my friends know about this."

"It's awesome! How'd you come up with the money to pay for this? It must've been crazy expensive."

"It took me a couple of years and baby steps. But I know a guy on Long Island that sells dirt and he gave me some. After that, I bought some grass seed which wasn't too much money for all of it. It took that a couple weeks to grow, but then when I went to plant the flowers, the soil wasn't deep enough so I went and got more dirt from the dirt guy and more grass from the grass guy. I kept the plants in my apartment and let the grass grow in. After it was the right depth, I planted the flowers. then winter set in and I had to start the plants over. But from there..." she took a deep sigh, admiring her creation. "It just grew."

"That's fantastic."

"Next I'm gonna try and get those cool arches so vines can grow over the top and I can have canopies."

"You're always fulla surprises, flowa." He said with a grin.

She went to respond but a memory struck both of them again. This time the man and woman were sitting in a heather field starting into the distance. The woman was pointing all over the place, seemingly trying to explain something to the man who had plants dying underneath him.

The shock of the memory wasn't as bad this time, but it still left the two on the ground writhing in pain for a few minutes before there was any release.

Headley gasped as she was released from the pain first. Her eyes were wide in shock. As she got her bearings, she crawled over to Than, draping one arm over his chest. "Than!" She said desperately. "Come on relax!"

Than stared at the sky, now not moving.

"Than! Don't be a douche just snap out of it!" She practically yelled.

After much screaming and profanity, Than regained his consciousness. "Holy Christ!" He said, sitting up. "What the hell just happened!"

"I thought you were gonna die!" She said, sitting up as well.

"And you didn't go and get help?" He said, brow furrowed, expressions of anger and confusion settled on his face.

"My legs ain't working too great. I only woke up a little while before you." She said defensively.

He sighed, laying back down onto his back. "Did you see it too?" He asked, trying to make peace.

She laid back as well, hands folding over her stomach. "Yeah. It was beautiful."

"I wish I could go there. It'd be a nice break from here." He said with another sigh.

"What the hell D'ya need a break from in your life?"

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