Woo! I can eat bread again!
Okay, an explanation. Passover was last Wednesday, a holy day we celebrate to remember the time Yahweh led his people out of Egypt. (Refer to the book of Exodus). Then, we celebrate a week of unleavened bread. Leaven being yeast.
So today, the feast is over, so my mother is taking my sister and I to get donuts before school! The sugar will keep me up for the SAT testing today.
Wish me luck guys! Gosh these tests are so DUMB. We can't leave the room at any time, and the only thing we can do after we finish our test is read. Thank gosh I have the entire Wings of Fire series, amiright!
Oh yeah, almost forgot. This IS an artbook.
Have a lineless headshot of Solstice.It takes a bit more time than lined art, but it's well worth it.
Painting White Roses Red (Artbook 3)
Random(Cover by @YoMeeps) Third book, and I'm BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH ALL THE DRAGONS! Seriously, hope you like dragons. That's basically it. Have fun, nerds (Best rating: #841 in Random)