Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Dominic's P.O.V

Leaving them was very difficult for me to do. Those girls are what kept me together during my Middle School/High School years... When I just turned 13, I was diagnosed with depression. I had quite the rough childhood... When I was 5 my mother died of breast cancer. It was slightly suspected, for it had ran through the family. Though, After she had died my father kind of... broke. Like one of those wind-up toys you would get as a kid that just... Stopped working after a certain amount of time. He would go to work, pick me up from school, then drop me off with my brother and went to the bar... He would come back wretchedly drunk. And if I were to say one wrong thing to him, he would beat me senseless.

When I was about 16 years old, my father almost killed me he had beaten me so badly. I can only remember bits and pieces of that night... I remember him coming home drunk, as usual... and I remember that I had been having a very bad day... and I suppose I must of done something to upset him... after that all I remember is waking up in the hospital with a concussion and cuts and bruises down my arms and legs... I've heard that my father was sent to jail for child abuse, but I'm still not absolutely sure where he is.

Ever since that night I've been having nightmares about the night... which has been giving me a little bit of information to what happened. But... I never truly last long in that dream before waking up screaming and crying in a cold sweat. I still have scars from that night and from nights before... also... from myself.

After the occurrence with my father I lived with my brother, Joseph, who was 23 years old at the time. He had to leave the university he was in so he could watch and support me... Because I wasn't able to go to school because of my concussion and my mental stability was rather low. I would have panic attacks and flashbacks of the occurrence, causing me to scream and cry. I still have these panic attacks every once and a while, and the nightmares come here and there. But I've learned to control myself.

The girls still don't know about that occurrence... I never wanted them to worry about me. I just wanted them to be happy. I wanted them to stay positive. I wanted them to have better luck than I did. So... Lace moving in with me is... a tad bit intimidating... What if I have nightmares? Suddenly a soft voice fills my ears.

"Your stop, Domi." Alecia's voice sings.

"Ahh. Alright. Thanks for the ride! And Ill stop at your house around 7 tonight, alright Lace?" I call.

"Yep! See you then." She responds.

I need to try to be able to learn to control my nightmares and flashbacks even more... I don't want Lace to find out... I don't want her to worry about me. I'll be fine. Right?

Lace's P.O.V

It was almost 7, and I was almost done packing up my items that I would be needing for the next few months. I can't help but feel I'm forgetting something though... Hm... let me check the list. I pull out the list and begin reading it to myself for reassurance.

"Clothes, check. Phone charger, check. Beanies, check. Laptop... Aha!" I shout.

I had forgotten to pack my laptop. Jeez, how could I be so stupid. That laptop is my life! I carefully slip the MacBook Pro into my bag along with my charger. This was going to be an interesting new way to get to know Dominic even more. Suddenly I hear the doorbell ring rapidly.

"Damn you, you spammer!" I shout through the door with a smile.

        This was it. The start of a new beginning.

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