A Family of Ninja

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Not so long ago, four boys were born to the wise Sensei Wu and beautiful woman named Carolin. While they may have been brothers they couldn't have contrasted more.

The oldest was Zane Julien Wu. He was defiantly the most responsible and smartest. Though times he could be a bit of a pushover. He was still a loveable person no doubt about it. He had blue-ish gray eyes and white-blond hair, that he wore in a neat flattop style.

Almost two years later the twins were born, the older being Cole Brookstone Wu. He was the leader of the siblings and kept them out of trouble along with Zane. He was strong for is age and afraid of nothing (except dragons). There was only one thing easily distracted him... cake, something he had gotten from Carolin. He also got his looks from her. Light tan skin, brown eyes and long wavy black hair.

The younger twin was Kai Smith Wu. He was the most  stubborn out of the four, not to mention, reckless, hotheaded, and daring. But with these qualities came good ones too, bravery, loyalty and no one got between him and his family. He was defiantly the girl magnet, with his fiery amber eyes, small 'battle scar' and dark brown hair that he did NOT like to get messed up.

Finally there was the baby of the family, Jason Walker Wu, or Jay as everyone called him. He was was exactly 1 year and 11 months younger than the twins and never let them forget it. He was the talkitive one but also very creative. He loved to invent and tinker. He was no doubt adorable, with freckled round cheeks, bright blue eyes that matched his oldest brother's and short, soft auburn hair with bangs neatly combed to the side.

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