Bye Bye Baby

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Jay loved being the baby of the family and was willing to tell that to anyone who would listen. What didn't like was being treated like a baby.

The day started ordinary. Carolin and Wu came to wake their sons. Once the good mornings were out of the way Wu left to make breakfast while Carolin stayed to help the boys.

Jay pull open his dresser drawer and grabbed a blue t-shirt and some jeans. As he took off his pajama shirt Carolin came over to him.

"Here, sweetie. Let mommy help you." She said pulling the shirt over his head. Jay forced a smile. He knew his mother was only trying to help. But he also knew he could get dressed all by himself. He shrugged it off. It was no big deal.

Later Nya and the boys were in the playroom watching TV when Carolin brought them a snack. "Thank you Auntie Carolin." Nya said, taking her juice and a cookie. The boys echoed her thank you and grabbed their snacks.

Jay stopped as he was about grab his cup. "Mommy how come I get a sippy cup?" He whined. "Jason I just don't any spills." Carolin said as she placed the rest of the cookies on the table.

"Then how come no one else gets one?" He said folding his arms. "Because your brothers are old enough to not spill and Nya never spills. Now eat your snack and stop complaining." She said as she left the room.

The day didn't get any better. When they went to Jamonakai village Carolin barley let go of Jay's hand. At dinner she wiped up every little spill he made. And finally at bed time Jay tried to tell her that he didn't need or want his nightlight anymore. But through it all Carolin didn't show that she heard a word.

That night Jay stayed up to wait for his brothers. "Guys?" He whispered. "I need to ask you something." "Jay we're sleeping. Ask us in the morning." Cole groaned. "But I need to know now." He insisted.

Zane sighed and sat up. "What is it?" "Mommy won't stop treating me like a baby. But I'm not a baby." Jay complained.

"Try acting more mature. Do more chores and things like that." The oldest brother explained. "I already do all the chores I know how to do."  Jay told him.

"Then do something else." Cole mumbled. "Like the chores I don't know how to do? Won't I get in trouble?" Jay asked. "That's not what he meant. Just grow up faster." Kai moaned.

"I don't know how to do that." Jay frowned. "Then shrink slower." Cole groaned. "What does that mean?" Jay asked. "It means to act like a total baby. Now let us sleep." Kai grumbled slamming his pillow over his head.

Seeing he wasn't going to get a better answer Jay excepted what he had gotten and went to sleep.

The next morning after all the good morning hugs Carolin stayed to help the boys. "Jay, sweetheart, aren't you going to get your clothes?" She asked.

Jay bounced on his bed and shook his head. "I want you to dwess me mama." He smiled. "Jason are you ok?" Carolin ask as she sat down next to him. The five-year-old just smiled.

At lunch time the boys and Nya waited for their sandwiches. When they got their PB&Js everyone was surprised by what Jay said. "Mama I wan my sippy." They stared at him like he'd said a bad word. "Jay honey, you don't need it in the kitchen."

"I wan my sippy mama! I wan my sippy!" He cried. Carolin was skeptical but gave him his sippy cup.

The rest of the day was... strange to say the least. Jay skipped out on play time and begged his mother for a nap. When Zane asked him if he wanted to watch him on the training course Jay said he'd rather stay in the playroom. By bath time Carolin was really starting to worry.

"Jay you wanna tell me what's wrong?" Carolin asked. "No thank you." Jay said and went back to his bath toys. "Come on. You don't want to tell mommy what's bothering you?" she said gently. Jay thought for a minute then said, "Not really."

Carolin's brows furrowed. "OK you wanna have Kai's smart mouth? I'll tell you exactly what I'd tell him. You tell me what's bothering you right this minute." She snapped.

"Why would something be bothering me?" He asked. "Jason you've been acting like a baby all day." His mother told him as she got his towel. "You treat me like a baby anyway." Jay said softly.

Carolin stopped. She did baby him quite a bit. She lifted Jay out of the tub, rapped him in his towel and carried him to his room. She sat down on the bed with Jay in her lap.

"That's what I mean. I can walk. I can get dressed by myself. I don't make a lot of spills. I don't need a night light. I'm not baby mommy." Jay said crossly.

"Jason I'm sorry. It just that you're my last baby. You boys are growing up so fast and sometimes I forget that. I just wish you could stay my little boy." Carolin whispered.

"I can stay little mommy." Jay whispered giving her a hug. His mother smiled and hugged him back. "I can't ask you to never grow up. But if you could take your time that'd make me very happy."

Carolin let Jay put on his pajamas then tucked him in. "Mommy could you turn on my night light?" Jay called as she got to the door. "I'd love to." She said flicking the switch.

A/N A line from a song is hidden in this chapter. If you find it put it in the comments section and you'll get a shoutout😉

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