Our Favorite Sitters

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"No! Don't go!" Jay cried as he hugged on his Father's leg.

"Don't go mommy." The Cole and Kai whined in agreement as they grabbed their mother's hands. "It's just for a few hours." Carolin cooed softly as she ran her fingers through each of the twin's hair.

"But why do you have to go?" Zane questioned. "We have to handle a few things, that's all." Wu answered with a small smile. In truth, Parenting was hard work and Wu and Carolin needed some alone time.

"Who's going to watch us?" Nya asked as she held her new doll tightly in her arms. "We found a couple people. They're very nice, and I'm sure all of you will have a good time." Carolin answered.

Just then there was a knock at the door, taking the kids by surprise. "That should be them now." Wu said as he went to answer the door

He opened the door to reveal a boy and a girl, both in their late teens, standing in the doorway.

"Hiya! I'm Kayla." The girl said sweetly. "And I'm Connor. We're here to babysit." The boy added with a slight grin.

"Kids, Kayla and Connor are going to watch you while we're gone okay?" Carolin said as she bent down to their level. "Now be good. We'll be back before bedtime."

They each gave their parents a hug, and each got a kiss in return. A moment later, Wu and Carolin left, leaving the kids with their new babysitters.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Connor asked. The five kids narrowed their eyes slightly but quickly covered it up.

"We'll be back." Zane said as he ushered his siblings to their room. "Well that's new." Kayla said, and her brother nodded.

The kids huddled together.

"I don't like them." Kai said immediately. "They seem alright." Zane said, trying to be positive. "I want Auntie and Uncle back." Nya sighed and Jay hugged her

"If we make them go home then we get mommy and daddy back." Jay deducted. "That's actually a good idea Jay." Cole said, mildly surprised. Jay grinned triumphedly.

"How are we supposed to do that then?" Zane asked with a raised eyebrow. Kai grinned wildly, ready with an ideal his own. "Who wants to play ninja?"

Kayla and Connor were both surprised when the five kids acted very well. At first they had thought they would be troublemakers, but after the kids came back from wherever they went, they were rather sweet.

But the two couldn't help but notice that every time one of the kids ran off to get something, something of their's when missing.

Such as when Jay ran off to get his teddy bear, Kayla's phone went missing and so did Connor's watch. Yet when Jay came back, he was his smiling little self, holding his teddy bear.

When Kai left to grab a storybook, Connor got a variety of paint dumped onto him and Kayla got covered in flour.

As the kids watched TV, Kayla and Connor decided it was time for a talk.

"Have any of you been up to anything?" Kayla asked. "No." All five of them accidentally said in unison.

"You know my sister and I used to say that all the time when we were causing trouble." Connor chuckled. Each of the them turned scarlet.

"Are you trying to get us to leave?" Kayla asked softly. "We weren't trying to be mean. We just want mommy and daddy back." Jay said quietly

Kayla and Connor nodded. "Hey, your parents will be back soon." Connor promised as he lifted Jay Nya on to his lap. "But we miss them now." Zane insisted. "They've never left before, have they?" Connor asked, and they each shook their heads.

"You know when we where little our mommy and daddy had to leave sometimes too and we missed them very much. But then we found a new way to think of it." Kayla said with a slight smile.

"What was that?" Nya asked. "That while they were gone, we could have a new adventure." She grinned back.The kid's eyes flashed eagarly

"Could we maybe have an adventure?" Kai asked shyly. "What do you have in mind?" Connor smirked.

The next thing the kids knew, they were having a jungle adventure on the quest for hidden treasure.

Just as they were about to get the "treasure" of the stuffed animals, Wu and Carolin came back. The kids cheered as they ran to hug them. Kayla and Connor both chuckled as they watched.

"Oh my babies." Carolin smiled. "I hope they behaved well." Wu said with a smile. "They were little angels." Connor said, winking at the kids. "The sweetest kids we ever watched." Kayla agreed.

"Connor is that paint in your hair and Kayla is that flour?" Carolin asked squinting. Connor and Kayla both grinned at each other as the kids smiled sheepishly at them. "Just part of our game." Kayla smiled.

"Don't go! Don't go!" Nya and Jay cried grabbing Kayla's legs. "Please stay! We're having fun!" The twins pleaded. "Kids, Kayla and Connor have to go home. Plus it's almost bedtime." Wu explained as pried the little ones off of Kayla.

"Can they come back soon? Please?" Zane begged. "That's up to your mom and dad." Connor said looking at the parents.

"Babysitters my kids love and more alone time with my wife? Sounds good to me." Wu smiled. "Count me in." Carolin agreed. The kids cheered and head to their rooms. They couldn't wait for their favorite babysitters to return.

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