Hide and Seek

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Carolin searched the monastery for her boys. They had decided to hide since it was bath time. Their least favorite thing to do. Minus Zane, who probably just went along with what the others did.

"Where are they?"Carolin mumbled. Then she heard a little laugh, probably from Jay. Then someone yelled, "Shhh! Mama's gonna heaw us!" Definently Cole.

Carolin opened the closet to reveal the four boys cramped together. "Hi mama..." they chorused. "Bath. Now!" Carolin pointed towards their bathroom. The boys pouted but shuffled to the bathroom.

Zane and Jay went first. Since Zane had no problem with taking his bath everything went smoothly. And since Jay was only a year old he was to little to put up much of a fight. Although he scream his head off while Carolin was combing his hair.

The twins on the other hand were a different story.

"Kai get in the tub, it's not going to kill you." Carolin tried to coax the 3-year old into the tub. He crossed his arms stubbornly, "No." He huffed.
Carolin took a deep breath. Kai's stubbornness was annoying sometimes.

"Kai Smith you get in this tub right now!" She only used the boys middle name when they were only causing a little trouble. The last name came when they did something terrible. Kai just stood there.

"Come on! Jay and Zane already did it, and I already had to wrestle Cole in here!" She pointed the black haired boy in the tub waiting for his brother. "Please just make this easy!" He finally complied and got in the soapy water.

"Mama happy?" Kai was only three and already sarcastic. Carolin smiled. "Mama's very happy."

While the younger played with bath toys, Carolin moved over to Cole. "My goodness your dirty!" She teased and helped him wash his thick black hair. "Tanku mama." he said quietly.
"You're welcome my rock." She smiled again and moved to the more stubborn child.

After drying the two off, they tried to run away, naked and messy haired, but they were no match for Carolin's strength.

"Come here Kai. I want to try something." Lately his hair had been flopping in his face. She didn't mind it was long but it blocked his vision. "Hold still for me baby."

She grabbed some gel and started creating tiny spikes in his hair and bangs. When he saw it he smiled. "I like it." He kissed his mom on the cheek and ran to find the others, of course putting clothes on first.

"Now for you," she picked up a brush and ran it through Cole's hair, unlike the others, he sat still and enjoyed it. When she was done he kissed her on the cheek and ran off to find his brothers.

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