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It had been quite sometime since Wu and Carolin had a baby in their house. But now that had adopted Omar and little Crystal they had this joy one last time.

While there were some things they hadn't missed (like the late night crying and messes) for the most part it was wonderful to have a little one in the house again.

It was almost lunch time and Wu was watching the older children play in the yard. Carolin was try to coax little Crystal to say her first word.

"Can you say 'mama'? Say 'mama' Cryssi." She cooed. "A goo. Ba ba da." Crystal babbled.

"Can you say 'ma'?" Carolin tried again. "Ba boo. Da ga ooo." The baby gurgled.

"I'll take that as a no." The woman sighed as she lifted Crystal from her highchair.

"Don't you think you're trying a little to hard mom?" Cole smiled as he and and the rest of the family came into kitchen. "Maybe a little." Carolin admitted.

"Why do you want her to learn to talk so bad anyway?" Kai shrugged as he took his seat around the table. "The first word is a big milestone." His father explained.

"Do you remember Zane's first word?" Carolin sighed. "I'd be a terrible father if I didn't..."

It was a cold and snowy day up at the monastery as Carolin try to convince her almost one-year-old son to take his cold medicine.

"Come on Zane. Open wide for mama." Carolin pleaded as she brought the spoon to the baby's mouth. "E-heh eh-heh uwah." Zane babbled, turning his head away. His mother let out a sigh.

"Any luck?" Wu asked as he came in. Carolin shook her head. "You wanna give it a go?" She said offering him the spoon. "Agoo da eh-heh ba ba." Zane whined as Wu sat down in front of him.

"Now Zane you want to get better don't you?" He asked his son. Zane gave the tiniest of nods.

"Then you have to be a brave boy and take your medicine." Wu told him. Zane hesitated but opened his mouth just enough for the spoon to go in.

"Show off." Carolin teased. "Alright my little man. It's nap time." She smiled as she lifted Zane from his highchair.

"Ba boo da. Da boo. Da. Dada. Dada." He gurgled. His parents stopped.

"Did you..." Carolin whispered. "I heard it." Wu whispered back. "Dada? Dada?" Zane called.

Wu practically beamed as he took his son from his wife's arms and hugged him close.

"Dada's here Zane. Dada's right here."

"So that's why Zane's your favorite." Kai deducted. "Kai we've been over this. I don't have a favorite." Wu said as he placed his lunch on the table.

"Do so." Jay grumbled as he took a bite of his sandwich. "Who cares? It's my turn!" Cole said bouncing in his seat a little.

"Well, if we're going in chronological order, Kai, actually came next." Carolin said slowly. "Really?!" Kai exclaimed. "You were never one to be out done." Wu chuckled.

If there was one thing Kai loved it was attention. Unfortunately it wasn't always possible for him to have his parent's undivided attention. Especially on days like this.

Between spring cleaning, normal house work and getting their oldest son potty trained, Carolin and Wu had barley had a second to sit down much less dote on the twins.

Cole and Kai had already spent most of the day in their playpen and were both longing for their parents to come play with them.

"Boo ba. Eh ba. De ba." Cole babbled as Wu came to check on them. "Daddy can't play right now. You'll just have to wait a few minuets." He chuckled as he ruffled the baby's black hair.

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